On 10/09/2011 12:50 PM, Bryan Cain wrote:
I don't think there's any reason we can't eliminate a dead instruction
when the writemask is zero.  I do wonder, though, why this patch
actually makes a difference.  There's an "if (!inst->dead_mask ||
!inst->dst.writemask)" three lines before the code visible in the patch
that makes it not kill the instruction if the writemask is zero.  I
don't remember why that's there, but if it weren't there, and the
writemask is zero, the dead_mask should also be zero, so it should be
handled by the "else if" block.

In short, I think that entire if/else if/else statement could use a look.

For the failing case, inst->dead_mask=0xf and inst->dst.writemask=0x8.
So the 'continue' clause isn't taken. And dead_mask != writemask so the existing iter.remove() clause isn't taken either.

The else if test could be changed from:

    else if (inst->dead_mask == inst->dst.writemask) {

to read:

    else if ((inst->dst.writemask & ~inst->dead_mask) == 0) {

That works here.  Patch attached.  Look OK?


Attachment: 0001-st-mesa-kill-instruction-if-writemask-0-in-eliminate.patch
Description: application/pgp-keys

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