Modify extents and dimensions to match the PRMs more closely. Along with
being able to create the correct 3D surface this enables us to avoid working
with multisampled compressed textures.

Signed-off-by: Nanley Chery <>
 src/intel/isl/isl.c | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/intel/isl/isl.c b/src/intel/isl/isl.c
index c4989dd..1664dbf 100644
--- a/src/intel/isl/isl.c
+++ b/src/intel/isl/isl.c
@@ -1259,27 +1259,54 @@ isl_surf_get_tile_info(const struct isl_device *dev,
    isl_tiling_get_info(dev, surf->tiling, fmtl->bpb, tile_info);
+ * \todo Implement the correct dimensions pre-BDW.
+ */
 isl_surf_get_hiz_surf(const struct isl_device *dev,
                       const struct isl_surf *surf,
                       struct isl_surf *hiz_surf)
+   assert(surf->usage & ISL_SURF_USAGE_DEPTH_BIT);
+   assert(surf->usage & ~ISL_SURF_USAGE_DISABLE_AUX_BIT);
    assert(ISL_DEV_GEN(dev) >= 5 && ISL_DEV_USE_SEPARATE_STENCIL(dev));
    /* Multisampled depth is always interleaved */
    assert(surf->msaa_layout == ISL_MSAA_LAYOUT_NONE ||
           surf->msaa_layout == ISL_MSAA_LAYOUT_INTERLEAVED);
+   uint32_t width, height;
+   /* On SKL+, one HiZ sample maps to one depth pixel and
+    * and the miplayout is recalculated.
+    */
+   if (ISL_DEV_GEN(dev) >= 9) {
+      width = surf->logical_level0_px.width;
+      height = surf->logical_level0_px.height;
+   } else {
+      /* On BDW+, one HiZ sample maps to one depth sample and
+       * and the miplayout is recalculated.
+       */
+      width = surf->phys_level0_sa.width;
+      height = surf->phys_level0_sa.height;
+   }
    isl_surf_init(dev, hiz_surf,
-                 .dim = ISL_SURF_DIM_2D,
+                 /* The layout of a 2D HiZ surface is identical to that of a
+                  * 1D HiZ surface HSW+. Since ISL doesn't support compressed
+                  * 1D surfaces currently and it is not yet needed, change the
+                  * dimension for now.
+                  */
+                 .dim = surf->dim == ISL_SURF_DIM_1D ?
+                        ISL_SURF_DIM_2D : surf->dim,
                  .format = ISL_FORMAT_HIZ,
-                 .width = surf->logical_level0_px.width,
-                 .height = surf->logical_level0_px.height,
-                 .depth = 1,
+                 .width = width,
+                 .height = height,
+                 .depth = surf->logical_level0_px.depth,
                  .levels = surf->levels,
                  .array_len = surf->logical_level0_px.array_len,
-                 /* On SKL+, HiZ is always single-sampled */
-                 .samples = ISL_DEV_GEN(dev) >= 9 ? 1 : surf->samples,
+                 .samples = 1,
                  .usage = ISL_SURF_USAGE_HIZ_BIT,
                  .tiling_flags = ISL_TILING_HIZ_BIT);

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