On Friday, August 12, 2016 10:06:29 PM PDT Francisco Jerez wrote:
> The current logic used to determine the execution size of sampler
> messages was based on special-casing several argument and opcode
> combinations, which unsurprisingly missed the possibility that some
> messages could exceed the payload size limit or not depending on the
> number of coordinate components present.  In particular:
>  - The TXL, TXB and TEX messages (the latter on non-FS stages only)
>    would attempt to use SIMD16 on Gen7+ hardware even if a shadow
>    reference was present and the texture was a cubemap array, causing
>    it to overflow the maximum supported sampler payload size and
>    crash.
>  - The TG4_OFFSET message with shadow comparison was falling back to
>    SIMD8 regardless of the number of coordinate components, which is
>    unnecessary when two coordinates or less are present.
> Both cases have been handled incorrectly ever since cubemap arrays and
> texture gather were respectively enabled (the current logic used by
> the SIMD lowering pass is almost unchanged from the previous no16
> fall-back logic used pre-SIMD lowering times).
> Fixes the following GL4.5 conformance test on Gen7-8 (the bug also
> affects Gen9+ in principle, but SKL passes the test by luck because it
> manages to use the TXL_LZ message instead of TXL):
>  GL45-CTS.texture_cube_map_array.sampling
> Bugzilla: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=97267
> ---
>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp | 108 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
>  1 file changed, 74 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp 
> b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp
> index 1842d56..b816d24 100644
> --- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp
> +++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp
> @@ -4687,6 +4687,68 @@ get_fpu_lowered_simd_width(const struct 
> brw_device_info *devinfo,
>  }
>  /**
> + * Get the maximum allowed SIMD width for instruction \p inst accounting for
> + * various payload size restrictions that apply to sampler message
> + * instructions.
> + *
> + * This is only intended to provide a maximum theoretical bound for the
> + * execution size of the message based on the number of argument components
> + * alone, which in most cases will determine whether the SIMD8 or SIMD16
> + * variant of the message can be used, though some messages may have
> + * additional restrictions not accounted for here (e.g. pre-ILK hardware uses
> + * the message length to determine the exact SIMD width and argument count,
> + * which makes a number of sampler message combinations impossible to
> + * represent).
> + */
> +static unsigned
> +get_sampler_lowered_simd_width(const struct brw_device_info *devinfo,
> +                               const fs_inst *inst)
> +{
> +   /* Calculate the number of coordinate components that have to be present
> +    * assuming that additional arguments follow the texel coordinates in the
> +    * message payload.  On Gen7+ there is no need for padding, on Gen5-6 we
> +    * need to pad to four or three components depending on the message, on
> +    * Gen4 we need to pad to at most three components.
> +    */
> +   const unsigned req_coord_components =
> +      (devinfo->gen >= 7 ||
> +       !inst->components_read(TEX_LOGICAL_SRC_COORDINATE)) ? 0 :
> +      (devinfo->gen >= 5 && inst->opcode != SHADER_OPCODE_TXF_LOGICAL &&
> +                            inst->opcode != SHADER_OPCODE_TXF_CMS_LOGICAL) ? 
> 4 :
> +      3;
> +
> +   /* On Gen9+ the LOD argument is for free if we're able to use the LZ
> +    * variant of the TXL or TXF message.
> +    */
> +   const bool implicit_lod = devinfo->gen >= 9 &&
> +                             (inst->opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_TXL ||
> +                              inst->opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_TXF) &&
> +                             inst->src[TEX_LOGICAL_SRC_LOD].is_zero();
> +
> +   /* Calculate the total number of argument components that need to be 
> passed
> +    * to the sampler unit.
> +    */
> +   const unsigned num_payload_components =
> +      MAX2(inst->components_read(TEX_LOGICAL_SRC_COORDINATE),
> +           req_coord_components) +
> +      inst->components_read(TEX_LOGICAL_SRC_SHADOW_C) +
> +      (implicit_lod ? 0 : inst->components_read(TEX_LOGICAL_SRC_LOD)) +
> +      inst->components_read(TEX_LOGICAL_SRC_LOD2) +
> +      inst->components_read(TEX_LOGICAL_SRC_SAMPLE_INDEX) +
> +      (inst->opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_TG4_OFFSET_LOGICAL ?
> +       inst->components_read(TEX_LOGICAL_SRC_OFFSET_VALUE) : 0) +
> +      inst->components_read(TEX_LOGICAL_SRC_MCS);
> +
> +   /*

Bonus line here ^ can be dropped.

> +    * SIMD16 messages with more than five arguments exceed the maximum 
> message
> +    * size supported by the sampler, regardless of whether a header is
> +    * provided or not.
> +    */
> +   return MIN2(inst->exec_size,
> +               num_payload_components > MAX_SAMPLER_MESSAGE_SIZE / 2 ? 8 : 
> 16);

Why not do:

   const bool simd16_exceeds_max_mlen =
      2 * num_payload_components > MAX_SAMPLER_MESSAGE_SIZE;

   return MIN2(inst->exec_size, simd16_exceeds_max_mlen ? 8 : 16);

I find the left-hand multiply a little more obvious than the right-hand
divide, because logically each component is occupying two registers in
SIMD16 mode, and there's a max message length of 11.

> +}
> +
> +/**
>   * Get the closest native SIMD width supported by the hardware for 
> instruction
>   * \p inst.  The instruction will be left untouched by
>   * fs_visitor::lower_simd_width() if the returned value is equal to the
> @@ -4861,31 +4923,25 @@ get_lowered_simd_width(const struct brw_device_info 
> *devinfo,
> -      return MIN2(16, inst->exec_size);
> +      return get_sampler_lowered_simd_width(devinfo, inst);
>        /* TXD is unsupported in SIMD16 mode. */
>        return 8;
> -      /* gather4_po_c is unsupported in SIMD16 mode. */
> -      const fs_reg &shadow_c = inst->src[TEX_LOGICAL_SRC_SHADOW_C];
> -      return (shadow_c.file != BAD_FILE ? 8 : MIN2(16, inst->exec_size));
> -   }
> -      /* Gen4 doesn't have SIMD8 non-shadow-compare bias/LOD instructions, 
> and
> -       * Gen4-6 can't support TXL and TXB with shadow comparison in SIMD16
> -       * mode because the message exceeds the maximum length of 11.
> +      /* Only one execution size is representable pre-ILK depending on 
> whether
> +       * the shadow reference argument is present.
>         */
> -      const fs_reg &shadow_c = inst->src[TEX_LOGICAL_SRC_SHADOW_C];
> -      if (devinfo->gen == 4 && shadow_c.file == BAD_FILE)
> -         return 16;
> -      else if (devinfo->gen < 7 && shadow_c.file != BAD_FILE)
> -         return 8;
> +      if (devinfo->gen == 4)
> +         return (inst->src[TEX_LOGICAL_SRC_SHADOW_C].file == BAD_FILE ?
> +                 16 : 8);

If you drop the unnecessary parenthesis, this will fit on one line.
Otherwise, our coding style would be to use braces.

>        else
> -         return MIN2(16, inst->exec_size);
> -   }
> +         return get_sampler_lowered_simd_width(devinfo, inst);
> +
>        /* Gen4 doesn't have SIMD8 variants for the RESINFO and LD-with-LOD
> @@ -4894,23 +4950,7 @@ get_lowered_simd_width(const struct brw_device_info 
> *devinfo,
>        if (devinfo->gen == 4)
>           return 16;
>        else
> -         return MIN2(16, inst->exec_size);
> -
> -      /* This opcode can take up to 6 arguments which means that in some
> -       * circumstances it can end up with a message that is too long in 
> SIMD16
> -       * mode.
> -       */
> -      const unsigned coord_components =
> -         inst->src[TEX_LOGICAL_SRC_COORD_COMPONENTS].ud;
> -      /* First three arguments are the sample index and the two arguments for
> -       * the MCS data.
> -       */
> -      if ((coord_components + 3) * 2 > MAX_SAMPLER_MESSAGE_SIZE)
> -         return 8;
> -      else
> -         return MIN2(16, inst->exec_size);
> -   }
> +         return get_sampler_lowered_simd_width(devinfo, inst);

Thanks for taking care of this!

Series is:
Reviewed-by: Kenneth Graunke <kenn...@whitecape.org>

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