
you can use clinfo utility to check whether OpenCL has been setup
correctly. It won't be able to run luxmark, but simpler stuff should


On Wed, 2016-08-03 at 20:45 +0100, Sam Halliday wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I recently got a Radeon R9 290x (aka Hawaii). I run ArchLinux, which
> has
> mesa 12.0.1.
> I am keen to try out mesa's partial OpenCL implementation. Ideally to
> use a BLAS implementation such as https://github.com/CNugteren/CLBlas
> t
> but I'd also be happy to just write something basic like dense
> matrix/matrix multiplication in OpenCL.
> However, when I tried to run the "luxmark" OpenCL benchmark (the only
> way I could think to test if my card is supported), I got this error
> [PathOCLBaseRenderThread::0] Compiling kernels 
> [PathOCLBaseRenderThread::0] PathOCL kernel compilation error ERROR
> RUNTIME ERROR: PathOCLBase kernel compilation error
> which, I'm guessing, means that my GPU isn't supported for OpenCL by
> mesa yet. Is that correct? (I don't know how to get any more output
> or
> logs than this).
> Could somebody please help by letting me know if there is a ticket I
> could subscribe to track progress of support for my card (a simple
> search of the bug database didn't bring up anything obvious). This
> message is to the -dev list, so I am suppose I am saying that I am
> prepared to get my hands dirty... but I am primarily a Scala
> developer
> and haven't done any C in years so the extent of my help is limited.
> If somebody who knows what they are doing would be willing to
> implement
> some of the functionality needed, I'd be prepared to buy this GPU for
> them to use for their hacking - it's the least I could do (but it is
> an
> absolute monster, I didn't even know GPUs could be this big! I needed
> to
> get a bigger case for it).
> Somewhat tangentially, if OpenCL support is really not a possibility
> anytime soon, could somebody please point me in the direction of a
> way
> to use this card programmatically for something like matrix/matrix
> multiplication? (I'm prepared to go really low level if there is
> sufficient documentation).
> I'm not at all interested in using proprietary drivers for OpenCL.
Jan Vesely <jan.ves...@rutgers.edu>

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