On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 12:24 PM, Ian Romanick <i...@freedesktop.org> wrote:
> After seeing Dave's series to add support GL_ARB_shader_gpu_int64 and
> thinking about adding support for 8- and  16-bit integers, I decided
> that something had to be done about the cut-and-paste madness that is
> ir_constant_expression.cpp.  I decided to take a page from Jason's book
> and generate it from a machine description of the expressions.  The
> result is this series.
> You may notice from some of the earlier patches in this series that I
> started this work over a year ago.  The previous work was an attempt to
> generate opt_algebraic.cpp which was ultimately abandonded.  It may be
> worth picking that up again.
> I haven't done *anything* for SCons, so hopefully Jose or someone can
> help out there.
> All of this is available at:
>     https://cgit.freedesktop.org/~idr/mesa/log/?h=generated-glsl-ir
> Other possible follow-up work:
>  - A few expressions don't have constant evaluation support.  I don't
>    think I've seen a real shader use any of these, so there's a reason
>    we haven't "missed" them.
>     - frexp_sig

A program could do something crazy like

  float array[int(frexp(42.0, exp))];

in which case we'd need to handle this.

>     - frexp_exp

exp is an "out" parameter of frexp(), so it can't be used for things
like sizing an array.

>     - vote_any
>     - vote_all
>     - vote_eq

These are trivial. For constant inputs, any/all return the argument,
and vote_eq returns true.

>     - imul_high
>     - carry
>     - borrow

Same story as frexp_exp.

>  - Generate validation code for expressions.  A few times while
>    developing this series I had questions about what the IR actually
>    supported.  In quite a few cases the IR support is different from
>    what GLSL supports.  I would often look to ir_validate.cpp to answer

What can you say... often GLSL is stupid. :)

Really though, we have some intentional differences like allowing
vector versions of logical operations.

I'll start reviewing.
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