From: Ian Romanick <>

Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <>
 src/compiler/glsl/ | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compiler/glsl/ 
index 2ac2a28..ac568ae 100644
--- a/src/compiler/glsl/
+++ b/src/compiler/glsl/
@@ -141,9 +141,32 @@ constant_template2 = mako.template.Template("""\
          data.${op.dest_type.union_field}[c] = 
+# This template is for binary operations that can operate on some combination
+# of scalar and vector operands.
+constant_template_vector_scalar = mako.template.Template("""\
+   case ${op.get_enum_name()}:
+      assert(op[0]->type == op[1]->type || op0_scalar || op1_scalar);
+      for (unsigned c = 0, c0 = 0, c1 = 0;
+           c < components;
+           c0 += c0_inc, c1 += c1_inc, c++) {
+         switch (op[0]->type->base_type) {
+    % for (dst_type, src_types) in op.signatures():
+         case ${src_types[0].glsl_type}:
+            data.${dst_type.union_field}[c] = ${op.get_c_expression(src_types, 
("c0", "c1"))};
+            break;
+    % endfor
+         default:
+            assert(0);
+         }
+      }
+      break;""")
+vector_scalar_operation = "vector-scalar"
 class operation(object):
-   def __init__(self, name, num_operands, printable_name = None, source_types 
= None, dest_type = None, c_expression = None):
+   def __init__(self, name, num_operands, printable_name = None, source_types 
= None, dest_type = None, c_expression = None, flags = None): = name
       self.num_operands = num_operands
@@ -162,6 +185,13 @@ class operation(object):
          self.c_expression = c_expression
+      if flags is None:
+         self.flags = frozenset()
+      elif isinstance(flags, str):
+         self.flags = frozenset([flags])
+      else:
+         self.flags = frozenset(flags)
    def get_enum_name(self):
       return "ir_{}op_{}".format(("un", "bin", "tri", 
@@ -181,19 +211,22 @@ class operation(object):
             return constant_template3.render(op=self)
       elif self.num_operands == 2:
-         if len(self.source_types) == 1:
+         if vector_scalar_operation in self.flags:
+            return constant_template_vector_scalar.render(op=self)
+         elif len(self.source_types) == 1:
             return constant_template0.render(op=self)
       return None
-   def get_c_expression(self, types):
-      src0 = "op[0]->value.{}[c]".format(types[0].union_field)
-      src1 = "op[1]->value.{}[c]".format(types[1].union_field) if len(types) 
>= 2 else "ERROR"
+   def get_c_expression(self, types, indices=("c", "c")):
+      src0 = "op[0]->value.{}[{}]".format(types[0].union_field, indices[0])
+      src1 = "op[1]->value.{}[{}]".format(types[1].union_field, indices[1]) if 
len(types) >= 2 else "ERROR"
       expr = self.c_expression[types[0].union_field] if types[0].union_field 
in self.c_expression else self.c_expression['default']
-      return expr.format(src0=src0)
+      return expr.format(src0=src0,
+                         src1=src1)
    def signatures(self):
@@ -329,12 +362,12 @@ ir_expression_operation = [
    operation("vote_all", 1),
    operation("vote_eq", 1),
-   operation("add", 2, printable_name="+"),
-   operation("sub", 2, printable_name="-"),
+   operation("add", 2, printable_name="+", source_types=numeric_types, 
c_expression="{src0} + {src1}", flags=vector_scalar_operation),
+   operation("sub", 2, printable_name="-", source_types=numeric_types, 
c_expression="{src0} - {src1}", flags=vector_scalar_operation),
    # "Floating-point or low 32-bit integer multiply."
    operation("mul", 2, printable_name="*"),
    operation("imul_high", 2),       # Calculates the high 32-bits of a 64-bit 
-   operation("div", 2, printable_name="/"),
+   operation("div", 2, printable_name="/", source_types=numeric_types, 
c_expression={'u': "{src1} == 0 ? 0 : {src0} / {src1}", 'i': "{src1} == 0 ? 0 : 
{src0} / {src1}", 'default': "{src0} / {src1}"}, flags=vector_scalar_operation),
    # Returns the carry resulting from the addition of the two arguments.
    operation("carry", 2),
@@ -344,7 +377,10 @@ ir_expression_operation = [
    operation("borrow", 2),
    # Either (vector % vector) or (vector % scalar)
-   operation("mod", 2, printable_name="%"),
+   #
+   # We don't use fmod because it rounds toward zero; GLSL specifies the use
+   # of floor.
+   operation("mod", 2, printable_name="%", source_types=numeric_types, 
c_expression={'u': "{src1} == 0 ? 0 : {src0} % {src1}", 'i': "{src1} == 0 ? 0 : 
{src0} % {src1}", 'f': "{src0} - {src1} * floorf({src0} / {src1})", 'd': 
"{src0} - {src1} * floor({src0} / {src1})"}, flags=vector_scalar_operation),
    # Binary comparison operators which return a boolean vector.
    # The type of both operands must be equal.
@@ -366,17 +402,17 @@ ir_expression_operation = [
    # Bit-wise binary operations.
    operation("lshift", 2, printable_name="<<"),
    operation("rshift", 2, printable_name=">>"),
-   operation("bit_and", 2, printable_name="&"),
-   operation("bit_xor", 2, printable_name="^"),
-   operation("bit_or", 2, printable_name="|"),
+   operation("bit_and", 2, printable_name="&", source_types=integer_types, 
c_expression="{src0} & {src1}", flags=vector_scalar_operation),
+   operation("bit_xor", 2, printable_name="^", source_types=integer_types, 
c_expression="{src0} ^ {src1}", flags=vector_scalar_operation),
+   operation("bit_or", 2, printable_name="|", source_types=integer_types, 
c_expression="{src0} | {src1}", flags=vector_scalar_operation),
    operation("logic_and", 2, printable_name="&&", source_types=(bool_type,), 
c_expression="{src0} && {src1}"),
    operation("logic_xor", 2, printable_name="^^", source_types=(bool_type,), 
c_expression="{src0} != {src1}"),
    operation("logic_or", 2, printable_name="||", source_types=(bool_type,), 
c_expression="{src0} || {src1}"),
    operation("dot", 2),
-   operation("min", 2),
-   operation("max", 2),
+   operation("min", 2, source_types=numeric_types, c_expression="MIN2({src0}, 
{src1})", flags=vector_scalar_operation),
+   operation("max", 2, source_types=numeric_types, c_expression="MAX2({src0}, 
{src1})", flags=vector_scalar_operation),
    operation("pow", 2, source_types=(float_type,), c_expression="powf({src0}, 

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