From: Ian Romanick <>

This makes things a little more clear now, and it will make future
changes... possible.

Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <>
 src/compiler/glsl/ | 265 ++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 138 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compiler/glsl/ 
index 8098dac..a2337d8 100644
--- a/src/compiler/glsl/
+++ b/src/compiler/glsl/
@@ -24,100 +24,114 @@
 import mako.template
 import sys
+class operation(object):
+   def __init__(self, name, num_operands, printable_name = None):
+ = name
+      self.num_operands = num_operands
+      if printable_name is None:
+         self.printable_name = name
+      else:
+         self.printable_name = printable_name
+   def get_enum_name(self):
+      return "ir_{}op_{}".format(("un", "bin", "tri", 
 ir_expression_operation = [
-   # Name        operands  string
-   ("bit_not", 1, "~"),
-   ("logic_not", 1, "!"),
-   ("neg", 1, None),
-   ("abs", 1, None),
-   ("sign", 1, None),
-   ("rcp", 1, None),
-   ("rsq", 1, None),
-   ("sqrt", 1, None),
-   ("exp", 1, None),         # Log base e on gentype
-   ("log", 1, None),         # Natural log on gentype
-   ("exp2", 1, None),
-   ("log2", 1, None),
-   ("f2i", 1, None),         # Float-to-integer conversion.
-   ("f2u", 1, None),         # Float-to-unsigned conversion.
-   ("i2f", 1, None),         # Integer-to-float conversion.
-   ("f2b", 1, None),         # Float-to-boolean conversion
-   ("b2f", 1, None),         # Boolean-to-float conversion
-   ("i2b", 1, None),         # int-to-boolean conversion
-   ("b2i", 1, None),         # Boolean-to-int conversion
-   ("u2f", 1, None),         # Unsigned-to-float conversion.
-   ("i2u", 1, None),         # Integer-to-unsigned conversion.
-   ("u2i", 1, None),         # Unsigned-to-integer conversion.
-   ("d2f", 1, None),         # Double-to-float conversion.
-   ("f2d", 1, None),         # Float-to-double conversion.
-   ("d2i", 1, None),         # Double-to-integer conversion.
-   ("i2d", 1, None),         # Integer-to-double conversion.
-   ("d2u", 1, None),         # Double-to-unsigned conversion.
-   ("u2d", 1, None),         # Unsigned-to-double conversion.
-   ("d2b", 1, None),         # Double-to-boolean conversion.
-   ("bitcast_i2f", 1, None), # 'Bit-identical int-to-float "conversion"
-   ("bitcast_f2i", 1, None), # 'Bit-identical float-to-int "conversion"
-   ("bitcast_u2f", 1, None), # 'Bit-identical uint-to-float "conversion"
-   ("bitcast_f2u", 1, None), # 'Bit-identical float-to-uint "conversion"
+   operation("bit_not", 1, printable_name="~"),
+   operation("logic_not", 1, printable_name="!"),
+   operation("neg", 1),
+   operation("abs", 1),
+   operation("sign", 1),
+   operation("rcp", 1),
+   operation("rsq", 1),
+   operation("sqrt", 1),
+   operation("exp", 1),         # Log base e on gentype
+   operation("log", 1),         # Natural log on gentype
+   operation("exp2", 1),
+   operation("log2", 1),
+   operation("f2i", 1),         # Float-to-integer conversion.
+   operation("f2u", 1),         # Float-to-unsigned conversion.
+   operation("i2f", 1),         # Integer-to-float conversion.
+   operation("f2b", 1),         # Float-to-boolean conversion
+   operation("b2f", 1),         # Boolean-to-float conversion
+   operation("i2b", 1),         # int-to-boolean conversion
+   operation("b2i", 1),         # Boolean-to-int conversion
+   operation("u2f", 1),         # Unsigned-to-float conversion.
+   operation("i2u", 1),         # Integer-to-unsigned conversion.
+   operation("u2i", 1),         # Unsigned-to-integer conversion.
+   operation("d2f", 1),         # Double-to-float conversion.
+   operation("f2d", 1),         # Float-to-double conversion.
+   operation("d2i", 1),         # Double-to-integer conversion.
+   operation("i2d", 1),         # Integer-to-double conversion.
+   operation("d2u", 1),         # Double-to-unsigned conversion.
+   operation("u2d", 1),         # Unsigned-to-double conversion.
+   operation("d2b", 1),         # Double-to-boolean conversion.
+   operation("bitcast_i2f", 1), # 'Bit-identical int-to-float "conversion"
+   operation("bitcast_f2i", 1), # 'Bit-identical float-to-int "conversion"
+   operation("bitcast_u2f", 1), # 'Bit-identical uint-to-float "conversion"
+   operation("bitcast_f2u", 1), # 'Bit-identical float-to-uint "conversion"
    # Unary floating-point rounding operations.
-   ("trunc", 1, None),
-   ("ceil", 1, None),
-   ("floor", 1, None),
-   ("fract", 1, None),
-   ("round_even", 1, None),
+   operation("trunc", 1),
+   operation("ceil", 1),
+   operation("floor", 1),
+   operation("fract", 1),
+   operation("round_even", 1),
    # Trigonometric operations.
-   ("sin", 1, None),
-   ("cos", 1, None),
+   operation("sin", 1),
+   operation("cos", 1),
    # Partial derivatives.
-   ("dFdx", 1, None),
-   ("dFdx_coarse", 1, "dFdxCoarse"),
-   ("dFdx_fine", 1, "dFdxFine"),
-   ("dFdy", 1, None),
-   ("dFdy_coarse", 1, "dFdyCoarse"),
-   ("dFdy_fine", 1, "dFdyFine"),
+   operation("dFdx", 1),
+   operation("dFdx_coarse", 1, printable_name="dFdxCoarse"),
+   operation("dFdx_fine", 1, printable_name="dFdxFine"),
+   operation("dFdy", 1),
+   operation("dFdy_coarse", 1, printable_name="dFdyCoarse"),
+   operation("dFdy_fine", 1, printable_name="dFdyFine"),
    # Floating point pack and unpack operations.
-   ("pack_snorm_2x16", 1, "packSnorm2x16"),
-   ("pack_snorm_4x8", 1, "packSnorm4x8"),
-   ("pack_unorm_2x16", 1, "packUnorm2x16"),
-   ("pack_unorm_4x8", 1, "packUnorm4x8"),
-   ("pack_half_2x16", 1, "packHalf2x16"),
-   ("unpack_snorm_2x16", 1, "unpackSnorm2x16"),
-   ("unpack_snorm_4x8", 1, "unpackSnorm4x8"),
-   ("unpack_unorm_2x16", 1, "unpackUnorm2x16"),
-   ("unpack_unorm_4x8", 1, "unpackUnorm4x8"),
-   ("unpack_half_2x16", 1, "unpackHalf2x16"),
+   operation("pack_snorm_2x16", 1, printable_name="packSnorm2x16"),
+   operation("pack_snorm_4x8", 1, printable_name="packSnorm4x8"),
+   operation("pack_unorm_2x16", 1, printable_name="packUnorm2x16"),
+   operation("pack_unorm_4x8", 1, printable_name="packUnorm4x8"),
+   operation("pack_half_2x16", 1, printable_name="packHalf2x16"),
+   operation("unpack_snorm_2x16", 1, printable_name="unpackSnorm2x16"),
+   operation("unpack_snorm_4x8", 1, printable_name="unpackSnorm4x8"),
+   operation("unpack_unorm_2x16", 1, printable_name="unpackUnorm2x16"),
+   operation("unpack_unorm_4x8", 1, printable_name="unpackUnorm4x8"),
+   operation("unpack_half_2x16", 1, printable_name="unpackHalf2x16"),
    # Bit operations, part of ARB_gpu_shader5.
-   ("bitfield_reverse", 1, None),
-   ("bit_count", 1, None),
-   ("find_msb", 1, None),
-   ("find_lsb", 1, None),
+   operation("bitfield_reverse", 1),
+   operation("bit_count", 1),
+   operation("find_msb", 1),
+   operation("find_lsb", 1),
-   ("saturate", 1, "sat"),
+   operation("saturate", 1, printable_name="sat"),
    # Double packing, part of ARB_gpu_shader_fp64.
-   ("pack_double_2x32", 1, "packDouble2x32"),
-   ("unpack_double_2x32", 1, "unpackDouble2x32"),
+   operation("pack_double_2x32", 1, printable_name="packDouble2x32"),
+   operation("unpack_double_2x32", 1, printable_name="unpackDouble2x32"),
-   ("frexp_sig", 1, None),
-   ("frexp_exp", 1, None),
+   operation("frexp_sig", 1),
+   operation("frexp_exp", 1),
-   ("noise", 1, None),
+   operation("noise", 1),
-   ("subroutine_to_int", 1, None),
+   operation("subroutine_to_int", 1),
    # Interpolate fs input at centroid
    # operand0 is the fs input.
-   ("interpolate_at_centroid", 1, None),
+   operation("interpolate_at_centroid", 1),
    # Ask the driver for the total size of a buffer block.
    # operand0 is the ir_constant buffer block index in the linked shader.
-   ("get_buffer_size", 1, None),
+   operation("get_buffer_size", 1),
    # Calculate length of an unsized array inside a buffer block.
    # This opcode is going to be replaced in a lowering pass inside
@@ -125,94 +139,95 @@ ir_expression_operation = [
    # operand0 is the unsized array's ir_value for the calculation
    # of its length.
-   ("ssbo_unsized_array_length", 1, None),
+   operation("ssbo_unsized_array_length", 1),
    # Vote among threads on the value of the boolean argument.
-   ("vote_any", 1, None),
-   ("vote_all", 1, None),
-   ("vote_eq", 1, None),
+   operation("vote_any", 1),
+   operation("vote_all", 1),
+   operation("vote_eq", 1),
-   ("add", 2, "+"),
-   ("sub", 2, "-"),
-   ("mul", 2, "*"),        # "Floating-point or low 32-bit integer multiply."
-   ("imul_high", 2, None), # Calculates the high 32-bits of a 64-bit multiply.
-   ("div", 2, "/"),
+   operation("add", 2, printable_name="+"),
+   operation("sub", 2, printable_name="-"),
+   # "Floating-point or low 32-bit integer multiply."
+   operation("mul", 2, printable_name="*"),
+   operation("imul_high", 2),       # Calculates the high 32-bits of a 64-bit 
+   operation("div", 2, printable_name="/"),
    # Returns the carry resulting from the addition of the two arguments.
-   ("carry", 2, None),
+   operation("carry", 2),
    # Returns the borrow resulting from the subtraction of the second argument
    # from the first argument.
-   ("borrow", 2, None),
+   operation("borrow", 2),
    # Either (vector % vector) or (vector % scalar)
-   ("mod", 2, "%"),
+   operation("mod", 2, printable_name="%"),
    # Binary comparison operators which return a boolean vector.
    # The type of both operands must be equal.
-   ("less", 2, "<"),
-   ("greater", 2, ">"),
-   ("lequal", 2, "<="),
-   ("gequal", 2, ">="),
-   ("equal", 2, "=="),
-   ("nequal", 2, "!="),
+   operation("less", 2, printable_name="<"),
+   operation("greater", 2, printable_name=">"),
+   operation("lequal", 2, printable_name="<="),
+   operation("gequal", 2, printable_name=">="),
+   operation("equal", 2, printable_name="=="),
+   operation("nequal", 2, printable_name="!="),
    # Returns single boolean for whether all components of operands[0]
    # equal the components of operands[1].
-   ("all_equal", 2, None),
+   operation("all_equal", 2),
    # Returns single boolean for whether any component of operands[0]
    # is not equal to the corresponding component of operands[1].
-   ("any_nequal", 2, None),
+   operation("any_nequal", 2),
    # Bit-wise binary operations.
-   ("lshift", 2, "<<"),
-   ("rshift", 2, ">>"),
-   ("bit_and", 2, "&"),
-   ("bit_xor", 2, "^"),
-   ("bit_or", 2, "|"),
+   operation("lshift", 2, printable_name="<<"),
+   operation("rshift", 2, printable_name=">>"),
+   operation("bit_and", 2, printable_name="&"),
+   operation("bit_xor", 2, printable_name="^"),
+   operation("bit_or", 2, printable_name="|"),
-   ("logic_and", 2, "&&"),
-   ("logic_xor", 2, "^^"),
-   ("logic_or", 2, "||"),
+   operation("logic_and", 2, printable_name="&&"),
+   operation("logic_xor", 2, printable_name="^^"),
+   operation("logic_or", 2, printable_name="||"),
-   ("dot", 2, None),
-   ("min", 2, None),
-   ("max", 2, None),
+   operation("dot", 2),
+   operation("min", 2),
+   operation("max", 2),
-   ("pow", 2, None),
+   operation("pow", 2),
    # Load a value the size of a given GLSL type from a uniform block.
    # operand0 is the ir_constant uniform block index in the linked shader.
    # operand1 is a byte offset within the uniform block.
-   ("ubo_load", 2, None),
+   operation("ubo_load", 2),
    # Multiplies a number by two to a power, part of ARB_gpu_shader5.
-   ("ldexp", 2, None),
+   operation("ldexp", 2),
    # Extract a scalar from a vector
    # operand0 is the vector
    # operand1 is the index of the field to read from operand0
-   ("vector_extract", 2, None),
+   operation("vector_extract", 2),
    # Interpolate fs input at offset
    # operand0 is the fs input
    # operand1 is the offset from the pixel center
-   ("interpolate_at_offset", 2, None),
+   operation("interpolate_at_offset", 2),
    # Interpolate fs input at sample position
    # operand0 is the fs input
    # operand1 is the sample ID
-   ("interpolate_at_sample", 2, None),
+   operation("interpolate_at_sample", 2),
    # Fused floating-point multiply-add, part of ARB_gpu_shader5.
-   ("fma", 3, None),
+   operation("fma", 3),
-   ("lrp", 3, None),
+   operation("lrp", 3),
    # Conditional Select
@@ -220,24 +235,22 @@ ir_expression_operation = [
    # component on vectors).
    # See also lower_instructions_visitor::ldexp_to_arith
-   ("csel", 3, None),
+   operation("csel", 3),
-   ("bitfield_extract", 3, None),
+   operation("bitfield_extract", 3),
    # Generate a value with one field of a vector changed
    # operand0 is the vector
    # operand1 is the value to write into the vector result
    # operand2 is the index in operand0 to be modified
-   ("vector_insert", 3, None),
+   operation("vector_insert", 3),
-   ("bitfield_insert", 4, None),
+   operation("bitfield_insert", 4),
-   ("vector", 4, None),
+   operation("vector", 4),
-def name_from_item(item):
-   return "ir_{}op_{}".format(("un", "bin", "tri", "quad")[item[1]-1], item[0])
 if __name__ == "__main__":
    copyright = """/*
@@ -266,33 +279,31 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
    enum_template = mako.template.Template(copyright + """
 enum ir_expression_operation {
 % for item in values:
-   ${name_from_item(item)},
+   ${item.get_enum_name()},
 % endfor
    /* Sentinels marking the last of each kind of operation. */
-% for (name, i) in lasts:
-   ir_last_${("un", "bin", "tri", "quad")[i]}op = ${name_from_item((name, 
+% for item in lasts:
+   ir_last_${("un", "bin", "tri", "quad")[item.num_operands - 1]}op = 
 % endfor
-   ir_last_opcode = ir_quadop_${lasts[3][0]}
+   ir_last_opcode = ir_quadop_${lasts[3].name}
    strings_template = mako.template.Template(copyright + """
 const char *const ir_expression_operation_strings[] = {
 % for item in values:
-   "${item[2] if item[2] is not None else item[0]}",
+   "${item.printable_name}",
 % endfor
    if sys.argv[1] == "enum":
       lasts = [None, None, None, None]
       for item in reversed(ir_expression_operation):
-         i = item[1] - 1
+         i = item.num_operands - 1
          if lasts[i] is None:
-            lasts[i] = (item[0], i)
+            lasts[i] = item
-                                 lasts=lasts,
-                                 name_from_item=name_from_item))
+                                 lasts=lasts))
    elif sys.argv[1] == "strings":
-      print(strings_template.render(values=ir_expression_operation,
-                                    name_from_item=name_from_item))
+      print(strings_template.render(values=ir_expression_operation))

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