From: Marek Olšák <>

replaced by MESA_SHADER_CAPTURE_PATH in core Mesa
 src/mesa/state_tracker/st_glsl_to_tgsi.cpp | 66 ------------------------------
 1 file changed, 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_glsl_to_tgsi.cpp 
index 6d08c58..8c2551d 100644
--- a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_glsl_to_tgsi.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_glsl_to_tgsi.cpp
@@ -6685,71 +6685,6 @@ get_mesa_program(struct gl_context *ctx,
 extern "C" {
-static void
-st_dump_program_for_shader_db(struct gl_context *ctx,
-                              struct gl_shader_program *prog)
-   /* Dump only successfully compiled and linked shaders to the specified
-    * file. This is for shader-db.
-    *
-    * These options allow some pre-processing of shaders while dumping,
-    * because some apps have ill-formed shaders.
-    */
-   const char *dump_filename = os_get_option("ST_DUMP_SHADERS");
-   const char *insert_directives = os_get_option("ST_DUMP_INSERT");
-   if (dump_filename && prog->Name != 0) {
-      FILE *f = fopen(dump_filename, "a");
-      if (f) {
-         for (unsigned i = 0; i < prog->NumShaders; i++) {
-            const struct gl_shader *sh = prog->Shaders[i];
-            const char *source;
-            bool skip_version = false;
-            if (!sh)
-               continue;
-            source = sh->Source;
-            /* This string mustn't be changed. shader-db uses it to find
-             * where the shader begins.
-             */
-            fprintf(f, "GLSL %s shader %d source for linked program %d:\n",
-                    _mesa_shader_stage_to_string(sh->Stage),
-                    i, prog->Name);
-            /* Dump the forced version if set. */
-            if (ctx->Const.ForceGLSLVersion) {
-               fprintf(f, "#version %i\n", ctx->Const.ForceGLSLVersion);
-               skip_version = true;
-            }
-            /* Insert directives (optional). */
-            if (insert_directives) {
-               if (!ctx->Const.ForceGLSLVersion && prog->Version)
-                  fprintf(f, "#version %i\n", prog->Version);
-               fprintf(f, "%s\n", insert_directives);
-               skip_version = true;
-            }
-            if (skip_version && strncmp(source, "#version ", 9) == 0) {
-               const char *next_line = strstr(source, "\n");
-               if (next_line)
-                  source = next_line + 1;
-               else
-                  continue;
-            }
-            fprintf(f, "%s", source);
-            fprintf(f, "\n");
-         }
-         fclose(f);
-      }
-   }
  * Link a shader.
  * Called via ctx->Driver.LinkShader()
@@ -6876,7 +6811,6 @@ st_link_shader(struct gl_context *ctx, struct 
gl_shader_program *prog)
       _mesa_reference_program(ctx, &linked_prog, NULL);
-   st_dump_program_for_shader_db(ctx, prog);
    return GL_TRUE;

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