From: Neha Bhende <>

Do texture->texture copies host-side with this command when possible.
Use the previous software fallback otherwise.

Reviewed-by: Brian Paul <>
 src/gallium/drivers/svga/svga_pipe_blit.c | 149 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 147 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/svga/svga_pipe_blit.c 
index 4eec927..564af51 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/svga/svga_pipe_blit.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/svga/svga_pipe_blit.c
@@ -36,12 +36,76 @@
+ * Copy an image between textures with the vgpu10 CopyRegion command.
+ */
+static void
+copy_region_vgpu10(struct svga_context *svga, struct pipe_resource *src_tex,
+                    unsigned src_x, unsigned src_y, unsigned src_z,
+                    unsigned src_level, unsigned src_face,
+                    struct pipe_resource *dst_tex,
+                    unsigned dst_x, unsigned dst_y, unsigned dst_z,
+                    unsigned dst_level, unsigned dst_face,
+                    unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned depth)
+   enum pipe_error ret;
+   uint32 srcSubResource, dstSubResource;
+   struct svga_texture *dtex, *stex;
+   SVGA3dCopyBox box;
+   int i, num_layers = 1;
+   stex = svga_texture(src_tex);
+   dtex = svga_texture(dst_tex);
+   box.x = dst_x;
+   box.y = dst_y;
+   box.z = dst_z;
+   box.w = width;
+   box.h = height;
+   box.d = depth;
+   box.srcx = src_x;
+   box.srcy = src_y;
+   box.srcz = src_z;
+   if (src_tex->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY ||
+       src_tex->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY) {
+      /* copy layer by layer */
+      box.z = 0;
+      box.d = 1;
+      box.srcz = 0;
+      num_layers = depth;
+      src_face = src_z;
+      dst_face = dst_z;
+   }
+   /* loop over array layers */
+   for (i = 0; i < num_layers; i++) {
+      srcSubResource = (src_face + i) * (src_tex->last_level + 1) + src_level;
+      dstSubResource = (dst_face + i) * (dst_tex->last_level + 1) + dst_level;
+      ret = SVGA3D_vgpu10_PredCopyRegion(svga->swc,
+                                         dtex->handle, dstSubResource,
+                                         stex->handle, srcSubResource, &box);
+      if (ret != PIPE_OK) {
+         svga_context_flush(svga, NULL);
+         ret = SVGA3D_vgpu10_PredCopyRegion(svga->swc,
+                                            dtex->handle, dstSubResource,
+                                            stex->handle, srcSubResource, 
+         assert(ret == PIPE_OK);
+      }
+      svga_define_texture_level(dtex, dst_face + i, dst_level);
+   }
 static void
 svga_resource_copy_region(struct pipe_context *pipe,
-                          struct pipe_resource* dst_tex,
+                          struct pipe_resource *dst_tex,
                           unsigned dst_level,
                           unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty, unsigned dstz,
-                          struct pipe_resource* src_tex,
+                          struct pipe_resource *src_tex,
                           unsigned src_level,
                           const struct pipe_box *src_box)
@@ -100,6 +164,52 @@ svga_resource_copy_region(struct pipe_context *pipe,
+ * The state tracker implements some resource copies with blits (for
+ * GL_ARB_copy_image).  This function checks if we should really do the blit
+ * with a VGPU10 CopyRegion command or software fallback (for incompatible
+ * src/dst formats).
+ */
+static bool
+can_blit_via_copy_region_vgpu10(struct svga_context *svga,
+                                const struct pipe_blit_info *blit_info)
+   struct svga_texture *dtex, *stex;
+   if (!svga_have_vgpu10(svga))
+      return false;
+   stex = svga_texture(blit_info->src.resource);
+   dtex = svga_texture(blit_info->src.resource);
+   // can't copy within one resource
+   if (stex->handle == dtex->handle)
+      return false;
+   // can't copy between different resource types
+   if (blit_info->src.resource->target != blit_info->dst.resource->target)
+      return false;
+   // check that the blit src/dst regions are same size, no flipping, etc.
+   if (blit_info-> != blit_info-> ||
+       blit_info-> != blit_info->
+      return false;
+   // depth/stencil copies not supported at this time
+   if (blit_info->mask != PIPE_MASK_RGBA)
+      return false;
+   if (blit_info->alpha_blend || blit_info->render_condition_enable ||
+       blit_info->scissor_enable)
+      return false;
+   // check that src/dst surface formats are compatible for the VGPU device.
+   return util_is_format_compatible(
+        util_format_description(blit_info->src.resource->format),
+        util_format_description(blit_info->dst.resource->format));
 static void
 svga_blit(struct pipe_context *pipe,
           const struct pipe_blit_info *blit_info)
@@ -115,6 +225,41 @@ svga_blit(struct pipe_context *pipe,
+   if (can_blit_via_copy_region_vgpu10(svga, blit_info)) {
+      unsigned src_face, src_z, dst_face, dst_z;
+      if (blit_info->src.resource->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE) {
+         src_face = blit_info->;
+         src_z = 0;
+         assert(blit_info-> == 1);
+      }
+      else {
+         src_face = 0;
+         src_z = blit_info->;
+      }
+      if (blit_info->dst.resource->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE) {
+         dst_face = blit_info->;
+         dst_z = 0;
+         assert(blit_info-> == 1);
+      }
+      else {
+         dst_face = 0;
+         dst_z = blit_info->;
+      }
+      copy_region_vgpu10(svga,
+                         blit_info->src.resource,
+                         blit_info->, blit_info->, src_z,
+                         blit_info->src.level, src_face,
+                         blit_info->dst.resource,
+                         blit_info->, blit_info->, dst_z,
+                         blit_info->dst.level, dst_face,
+                         blit_info->, blit_info->,
+                         blit_info->;
+      return;
+   }
    if (util_try_blit_via_copy_region(pipe, blit_info)) {
       return; /* done */

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