
On 28/06/16 18:00, Ilia Mirkin wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Alejandro Piñeiro
> <apinhe...@igalia.com> wrote:
>> Fixes:
>> GL44-CTS.texture_barrier_ARB.same-texel-rw-multipass
>> On Haswell, Broadwell and Skylake (note that in order to execute
>> that test, it is needed to override GL and GLSL versions).
>> I was not able to find a documentation reference that justifies it.
>> ---
>> Having said, I didn't find a documentation reference explicitly
>> mention that this is needed.
>> Initially I thought that a flag was missing when calling
>> emit_pipe_control_flush at brw_emit_mi_flush, but it was not the case
>> as far as I saw.  Then I noted that there is a gen6 workaround on that
>> code:
>>          if (brw->gen == 6) {
>>             /* Hardware workaround: SNB B-Spec says:
>>              *
>>              * [Dev-SNB{W/A}]: Before a PIPE_CONTROL with Write Cache
>>              * Flush Enable =1, a PIPE_CONTROL with any non-zero
>>              * post-sync-op is required.
>>              */
>>             brw_emit_post_sync_nonzero_flush(brw);
>>          }
>> I tested calling that method for any gen, guessing if the workaround
>> was needed also for other gens, and the test got fixed. But looking at
>> the documentation of other gens, I didn't find the need for this
>> workaround. For that reason I moved to use gen7_emit_cs_stall, that is
>> less agressive and get the test fixed too. It seems that in order to
>> get a complete flush you need a cs stall flush with a
>> pipe_control_write. But again, I didn't find any reference at the PRMs
>> confirming it.
>> Intuitively, this would be needed on brw_emit_mi_flush or even at
>> brw_emit_pipe_control_flush (this one already include some
>> gen-specific workarounds), but I prefered to keep it on the only place
>> that seems to need it for now.
>> In addition to solve that CTS test, it also gets it passing for the
>> test I recently sent to the piglit list, and not included on master
>> yet (acked for now):
>> https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/piglit/2016-June/020055.html
>> That piglit patch adds 48 parameter combination for the basic
>> test. Without this mesa patch 5-6 subtests fails. With this patch all
>> of them passes. Tested on Haswell, Broadwell and Skylake too.
>>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_tex.c | 1 +
>>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
>> diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_tex.c 
>> b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_tex.c
>> index cac33ac..e7459cd 100644
>> --- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_tex.c
>> +++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_tex.c
>> @@ -362,6 +362,7 @@ intel_texture_barrier(struct gl_context *ctx)
>>  {
>>     struct brw_context *brw = brw_context(ctx);
>> +   gen7_emit_cs_stall_flush(brw);
>>     brw_emit_mi_flush(brw);
> Without commenting on exactly what these do, what texture barrier *should* do 
> is
> (1) wait for all previous draws to complete (since they may be in the
> process of filling caches with "old" data)
> (2) flush texture caches
> If you flush caches without waiting first, then a draw currently in
> progress may continue dirtying them with the "bad" data.

Thanks for the detailed answer. It is true that I was forgetting (1) at
all. I totally focused on the cache flush, and assumed that there was
something missing there.

> As I said, however, I have no idea what either of the above functions
> *really* do, or what forms of parallelism are possible on intel hw.
> Hopefully the above comments will help someone with the proper
> knowledge evaluate whether this or a different change is necessary.

I really think that brw_emit_mi_flush totally fits on your (2) (and
should not be modified as I suggested on my previous email).
gen7_emit_cs_stall_flush as the better option for (1) is debatable.
Tomorrow I will keep checking to confirm it, or in order to find a
better option. Obviously if something with previous knowledge appears it
will be welcome.

Again, thanks for all the feedback, and the patience.

Best regards

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