Hi guys,

Let me introduce myself. My name is Qiang Yu, I'm a developer of amdgpu-pro 

As you know the amdgpu-pro adopts some open source part like GBM but due to its

close source OGL part, we implement our own GBM backend.

Currently libgbm only support static selection of GBM backend by GBM_BACKEND,

so for the hybrid GPU case like Intel iGPU + AMD dGPU and AMD dGPU is drived

by amdgpu-pro, it's not convenient for client to switch backend all the time 
and even

impossible for applications that need to deal with both GPUs like the XServer.

So I'm wondering a dynamic dispatch method and hope it can go upstream to the 

1. create a /etc/gbm/xxx.conf for libgbm to read when none default backend 

2. the content should be like: <kernel driver name>:<gbm backend name>

    In the amdgpu-pro case, the content is: amdgpu:gbm_amdgpu.so

This method need libgbm use libdrm to determine the FD kernel driver first.

Any feedback on this method and the hope to go upstream?



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