For some texture formats we need to take "do_endian_swap" into account
when configuring their swizzling.

Signed-off-by: Oded Gabbay <>
 src/gallium/drivers/r600/r600_state_common.c | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/r600/r600_state_common.c 
index 21f71fc..e8ec20f 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/r600/r600_state_common.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/r600/r600_state_common.c
@@ -2227,6 +2227,9 @@ uint32_t r600_translate_texformat(struct pipe_screen 
        bool is_srgb_valid = FALSE;
        const unsigned char swizzle_xxxx[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
        const unsigned char swizzle_yyyy[4] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
+       const unsigned char swizzle_xxxy[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
+       const unsigned char swizzle_zyx1[4] = {2, 1, 0, 5};
+       const unsigned char swizzle_zyxw[4] = {2, 1, 0, 3};
        int i;
        const uint32_t sign_bit[4] = {
@@ -2235,11 +2238,41 @@ uint32_t r600_translate_texformat(struct pipe_screen 
+       /* Need to replace the specified texture formats in case of big-endian.
+        * These formats are formats that have channels with number of bits
+        * not divisible by 8.
+        * Mesa conversion functions don't swap bits for those formats, and 
+        * we transmit this over a serial bus to the GPU (PCIe), the
+        * bit-endianess is important!!!
+        * In case we have an "opposite" format, just use that for the swizzling
+        * information. If we don't have such an "opposite" format, we need
+        * to use a fixed swizzle info instead (see below)
+        */
+       if (format == PIPE_FORMAT_R4A4_UNORM && do_endian_swap)
+               format = PIPE_FORMAT_A4R4_UNORM;
        desc = util_format_description(format);
        /* Depth and stencil swizzling is handled separately. */
        if (desc->colorspace != UTIL_FORMAT_COLORSPACE_ZS) {
-               word4 |= r600_get_swizzle_combined(desc->swizzle, swizzle_view, 
+               /* Need to check for specific texture formats that don't have
+                * an "opposite" format we can use. For those formats, we 
+                * specify the swizzling, which is the LE swizzling as defined 
+                * u_format.csv
+                */
+               if (do_endian_swap) {
+                       if (format == PIPE_FORMAT_L4A4_UNORM)
+                               word4 |= 
r600_get_swizzle_combined(swizzle_xxxy, swizzle_view, FALSE);
+                       else if (format == PIPE_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM)
+                               word4 |= 
r600_get_swizzle_combined(swizzle_zyxw, swizzle_view, FALSE);
+                       else if (format == PIPE_FORMAT_B4G4R4X4_UNORM || format 
+                               word4 |= 
r600_get_swizzle_combined(swizzle_zyx1, swizzle_view, FALSE);
+                       else
+                               word4 |= 
r600_get_swizzle_combined(desc->swizzle, swizzle_view, FALSE);
+               } else {
+                       word4 |= r600_get_swizzle_combined(desc->swizzle, 
swizzle_view, FALSE);
+               }
        /* Colorspace (return non-RGB formats directly). */

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