It was really just a wrapper around the function that constructed it.
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp.h        |  20 --
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp_blit.cpp | 276 +++++++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 130 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp.h 
index 96657e1..ca5b1eb 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp.h
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp.h
@@ -359,26 +359,6 @@ struct brw_blorp_blit_prog_key
    bool bilinear_filter;
-class brw_blorp_blit_params : public brw_blorp_params
-   brw_blorp_blit_params(struct brw_context *brw,
-                         struct intel_mipmap_tree *src_mt,
-                         unsigned src_level, unsigned src_layer,
-                         mesa_format src_format,
-                         struct intel_mipmap_tree *dst_mt,
-                         unsigned dst_level, unsigned dst_layer,
-                         mesa_format dst_format,
-                         GLfloat src_x0, GLfloat src_y0,
-                         GLfloat src_x1, GLfloat src_y1,
-                         GLfloat dst_x0, GLfloat dst_y0,
-                         GLfloat dst_x1, GLfloat dst_y1,
-                         GLenum filter, bool mirror_x, bool mirror_y);
-   brw_blorp_blit_prog_key wm_prog_key;
  * \name BLORP internals
  * \{
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp_blit.cpp 
index cbf2d97..56f6ced 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp_blit.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp_blit.cpp
@@ -44,74 +44,6 @@ find_miptree(GLbitfield buffer_bit, struct 
intel_renderbuffer *irb)
    return mt;
- * Note: if the src (or dst) is a 2D multisample array texture on Gen7+ using
- * INTEL_MSAA_LAYOUT_UMS or INTEL_MSAA_LAYOUT_CMS, src_layer (dst_layer) is
- * the physical layer holding sample 0.  So, for example, if
- * src_mt->num_samples == 4, then logical layer n corresponds to src_layer ==
- * 4*n.
- */
-brw_blorp_blit_miptrees(struct brw_context *brw,
-                        struct intel_mipmap_tree *src_mt,
-                        unsigned src_level, unsigned src_layer,
-                        mesa_format src_format, int src_swizzle,
-                        struct intel_mipmap_tree *dst_mt,
-                        unsigned dst_level, unsigned dst_layer,
-                        mesa_format dst_format,
-                        float src_x0, float src_y0,
-                        float src_x1, float src_y1,
-                        float dst_x0, float dst_y0,
-                        float dst_x1, float dst_y1,
-                        GLenum filter, bool mirror_x, bool mirror_y,
-                        bool decode_srgb, bool encode_srgb)
-   /* Get ready to blit.  This includes depth resolving the src and dst
-    * buffers if necessary.  Note: it's not necessary to do a color resolve on
-    * the destination buffer because we use the standard render path to render
-    * to destination color buffers, and the standard render path is
-    * fast-color-aware.
-    * Lossless compression is only introduced for gen9 onwards whereas
-    * blorp is not supported even for gen8. Therefore it should be impossible
-    * to end up here with single sampled compressed surfaces.
-    */
-   assert(!intel_miptree_is_lossless_compressed(brw, src_mt));
-   assert(!intel_miptree_is_lossless_compressed(brw, dst_mt));
-   intel_miptree_resolve_color(brw, src_mt, 0);
-   intel_miptree_slice_resolve_depth(brw, src_mt, src_level, src_layer);
-   intel_miptree_slice_resolve_depth(brw, dst_mt, dst_level, dst_layer);
-   DBG("%s from %dx %s mt %p %d %d (%f,%f) (%f,%f)"
-       "to %dx %s mt %p %d %d (%f,%f) (%f,%f) (flip %d,%d)\n",
-       __func__,
-       src_mt->num_samples, _mesa_get_format_name(src_mt->format), src_mt,
-       src_level, src_layer, src_x0, src_y0, src_x1, src_y1,
-       dst_mt->num_samples, _mesa_get_format_name(dst_mt->format), dst_mt,
-       dst_level, dst_layer, dst_x0, dst_y0, dst_x1, dst_y1,
-       mirror_x, mirror_y);
-   if (!decode_srgb && _mesa_get_format_color_encoding(src_format) == GL_SRGB)
-      src_format = _mesa_get_srgb_format_linear(src_format);
-   if (!encode_srgb && _mesa_get_format_color_encoding(dst_format) == GL_SRGB)
-      dst_format = _mesa_get_srgb_format_linear(dst_format);
-   brw_blorp_blit_params params(brw,
-                                src_mt, src_level, src_layer, src_format,
-                                dst_mt, dst_level, dst_layer, dst_format,
-                                src_x0, src_y0,
-                                src_x1, src_y1,
-                                dst_x0, dst_y0,
-                                dst_x1, dst_y1,
-                                filter, mirror_x, mirror_y);
-   params.src.swizzle = src_swizzle;
-   brw_blorp_exec(brw, &params);
-   intel_miptree_slice_set_needs_hiz_resolve(dst_mt, dst_level, dst_layer);
 static int
 blorp_get_texture_swizzle(const struct intel_renderbuffer *irb)
@@ -1911,22 +1843,62 @@ compute_msaa_layout_for_pipeline(struct brw_context 
*brw, unsigned num_samples,
-brw_blorp_blit_params::brw_blorp_blit_params(struct brw_context *brw,
-                                             struct intel_mipmap_tree *src_mt,
-                                             unsigned src_level, unsigned 
-                                             mesa_format src_format,
-                                             struct intel_mipmap_tree *dst_mt,
-                                             unsigned dst_level, unsigned 
-                                             mesa_format dst_format,
-                                             GLfloat src_x0, GLfloat src_y0,
-                                             GLfloat src_x1, GLfloat src_y1,
-                                             GLfloat dst_x0, GLfloat dst_y0,
-                                             GLfloat dst_x1, GLfloat dst_y1,
-                                             GLenum filter,
-                                             bool mirror_x, bool mirror_y)
+ * Note: if the src (or dst) is a 2D multisample array texture on Gen7+ using
+ * INTEL_MSAA_LAYOUT_UMS or INTEL_MSAA_LAYOUT_CMS, src_layer (dst_layer) is
+ * the physical layer holding sample 0.  So, for example, if
+ * src_mt->num_samples == 4, then logical layer n corresponds to src_layer ==
+ * 4*n.
+ */
+brw_blorp_blit_miptrees(struct brw_context *brw,
+                        struct intel_mipmap_tree *src_mt,
+                        unsigned src_level, unsigned src_layer,
+                        mesa_format src_format, int src_swizzle,
+                        struct intel_mipmap_tree *dst_mt,
+                        unsigned dst_level, unsigned dst_layer,
+                        mesa_format dst_format,
+                        float src_x0, float src_y0,
+                        float src_x1, float src_y1,
+                        float dst_x0, float dst_y0,
+                        float dst_x1, float dst_y1,
+                        GLenum filter, bool mirror_x, bool mirror_y,
+                        bool decode_srgb, bool encode_srgb)
-   src.set(brw, src_mt, src_level, src_layer, src_format, false);
-   dst.set(brw, dst_mt, dst_level, dst_layer, dst_format, true);
+   /* Get ready to blit.  This includes depth resolving the src and dst
+    * buffers if necessary.  Note: it's not necessary to do a color resolve on
+    * the destination buffer because we use the standard render path to render
+    * to destination color buffers, and the standard render path is
+    * fast-color-aware.
+    * Lossless compression is only introduced for gen9 onwards whereas
+    * blorp is not supported even for gen8. Therefore it should be impossible
+    * to end up here with single sampled compressed surfaces.
+    */
+   assert(!intel_miptree_is_lossless_compressed(brw, src_mt));
+   assert(!intel_miptree_is_lossless_compressed(brw, dst_mt));
+   intel_miptree_resolve_color(brw, src_mt, 0);
+   intel_miptree_slice_resolve_depth(brw, src_mt, src_level, src_layer);
+   intel_miptree_slice_resolve_depth(brw, dst_mt, dst_level, dst_layer);
+   DBG("%s from %dx %s mt %p %d %d (%f,%f) (%f,%f)"
+       "to %dx %s mt %p %d %d (%f,%f) (%f,%f) (flip %d,%d)\n",
+       __func__,
+       src_mt->num_samples, _mesa_get_format_name(src_mt->format), src_mt,
+       src_level, src_layer, src_x0, src_y0, src_x1, src_y1,
+       dst_mt->num_samples, _mesa_get_format_name(dst_mt->format), dst_mt,
+       dst_level, dst_layer, dst_x0, dst_y0, dst_x1, dst_y1,
+       mirror_x, mirror_y);
+   if (!decode_srgb && _mesa_get_format_color_encoding(src_format) == GL_SRGB)
+      src_format = _mesa_get_srgb_format_linear(src_format);
+   if (!encode_srgb && _mesa_get_format_color_encoding(dst_format) == GL_SRGB)
+      dst_format = _mesa_get_srgb_format_linear(dst_format);
+   brw_blorp_params params;
+   params.src.set(brw, src_mt, src_level, src_layer, src_format, false);
+   params.dst.set(brw, dst_mt, dst_level, dst_layer, dst_format, true);
    /* Even though we do multisample resolves at the time of the blit, OpenGL
     * specification defines them as if they happen at the time of rendering,
@@ -1943,13 +1915,13 @@ brw_blorp_blit_params::brw_blorp_blit_params(struct 
brw_context *brw,
     * (aside from the color space), we choose to blit in sRGB space to get
     * this higher quality image.
-   if (src.num_samples > 1 &&
+   if (params.src.num_samples > 1 &&
        _mesa_get_format_color_encoding(dst_mt->format) == GL_SRGB &&
        _mesa_get_srgb_format_linear(src_mt->format) ==
        _mesa_get_srgb_format_linear(dst_mt->format)) {
-      dst.brw_surfaceformat = brw->render_target_format[dst_mt->format];
-      src.brw_surfaceformat = brw_format_for_mesa_format(dst_mt->format);
+      params.dst.brw_surfaceformat = brw->render_target_format[dst_mt->format];
+      params.src.brw_surfaceformat = 
    /* When doing a multisample resolve of a GL_LUMINANCE32F or GL_INTENSITY32F
@@ -1961,12 +1933,14 @@ brw_blorp_blit_params::brw_blorp_blit_params(struct 
brw_context *brw,
     * shouldn't affect rendering correctness, since the destination format is
     * R32_FLOAT, so only the contents of the red channel matters.
-   if (brw->gen == 6 && src.num_samples > 1 && dst.num_samples <= 1 &&
+   if (brw->gen == 6 &&
+       params.src.num_samples > 1 && params.dst.num_samples <= 1 &&
        src_mt->format == dst_mt->format &&
-       dst.brw_surfaceformat == BRW_SURFACEFORMAT_R32_FLOAT) {
-      src.brw_surfaceformat = dst.brw_surfaceformat;
+       params.dst.brw_surfaceformat == BRW_SURFACEFORMAT_R32_FLOAT) {
+      params.src.brw_surfaceformat = params.dst.brw_surfaceformat;
+   struct brw_blorp_blit_prog_key wm_prog_key;
    memset(&wm_prog_key, 0, sizeof(wm_prog_key));
    /* texture_data_type indicates the register type that should be used to
@@ -2001,10 +1975,10 @@ brw_blorp_blit_params::brw_blorp_blit_params(struct 
brw_context *brw,
        * single-sampled texture and interleave the samples ourselves.
       if (dst_mt->msaa_layout == INTEL_MSAA_LAYOUT_IMS)
-         dst.num_samples = 0;
+         params.dst.num_samples = 0;
-   if (dst.map_stencil_as_y_tiled && dst.num_samples > 1) {
+   if (params.dst.map_stencil_as_y_tiled && params.dst.num_samples > 1) {
       /* If the destination surface is a W-tiled multisampled stencil buffer
        * that we're mapping as Y tiled, then we need to arrange for the WM
        * program to run once per sample rather than once per pixel, because
@@ -2014,7 +1988,7 @@ brw_blorp_blit_params::brw_blorp_blit_params(struct 
brw_context *brw,
       wm_prog_key.persample_msaa_dispatch = true;
-   if (src.num_samples > 0 && dst.num_samples > 1) {
+   if (params.src.num_samples > 0 && params.dst.num_samples > 1) {
       /* We are blitting from a multisample buffer to a multisample buffer, so
        * we must preserve samples within a pixel.  This means we have to
        * arrange for the WM program to run once per sample rather than once
@@ -2034,7 +2008,8 @@ brw_blorp_blit_params::brw_blorp_blit_params(struct 
brw_context *brw,
    wm_prog_key.x_scale = 2.0f;
    wm_prog_key.y_scale = src_mt->num_samples / 2.0f;
-   if (filter == GL_LINEAR && src.num_samples <= 1 && dst.num_samples <= 1)
+   if (filter == GL_LINEAR &&
+       params.src.num_samples <= 1 && params.dst.num_samples <= 1)
       wm_prog_key.bilinear_filter = true;
    GLenum base_format = _mesa_get_format_base_format(src_mt->format);
@@ -2052,16 +2027,18 @@ brw_blorp_blit_params::brw_blorp_blit_params(struct 
brw_context *brw,
    /* tex_samples and rt_samples are the sample counts that are set up in
-   wm_prog_key.tex_samples = src.num_samples;
-   wm_prog_key.rt_samples  = dst.num_samples;
+   wm_prog_key.tex_samples = params.src.num_samples;
+   wm_prog_key.rt_samples  = params.dst.num_samples;
    /* tex_layout and rt_layout indicate the MSAA layout the GPU pipeline will
     * use to access the source and destination surfaces.
    wm_prog_key.tex_layout =
-      compute_msaa_layout_for_pipeline(brw, src.num_samples, src.msaa_layout);
+      compute_msaa_layout_for_pipeline(brw, params.src.num_samples,
+                                       params.src.msaa_layout);
    wm_prog_key.rt_layout =
-      compute_msaa_layout_for_pipeline(brw, dst.num_samples, dst.msaa_layout);
+      compute_msaa_layout_for_pipeline(brw, params.dst.num_samples,
+                                       params.dst.msaa_layout);
    /* src_layout and dst_layout indicate the true MSAA layout used by src and
     * dst.
@@ -2069,26 +2046,27 @@ brw_blorp_blit_params::brw_blorp_blit_params(struct 
brw_context *brw,
    wm_prog_key.src_layout = src_mt->msaa_layout;
    wm_prog_key.dst_layout = dst_mt->msaa_layout;
-   wm_prog_key.src_tiled_w = src.map_stencil_as_y_tiled;
-   wm_prog_key.dst_tiled_w = dst.map_stencil_as_y_tiled;
+   wm_prog_key.src_tiled_w = params.src.map_stencil_as_y_tiled;
+   wm_prog_key.dst_tiled_w = params.dst.map_stencil_as_y_tiled;
    /* Round floating point values to nearest integer to avoid "off by one 
     * kind of errors when blitting.
-   x0 = wm_push_consts.dst_x0 = roundf(dst_x0);
-   y0 = wm_push_consts.dst_y0 = roundf(dst_y0);
-   x1 = wm_push_consts.dst_x1 = roundf(dst_x1);
-   y1 = wm_push_consts.dst_y1 = roundf(dst_y1);
-   wm_push_consts.rect_grid_x1 = (minify(src_mt->logical_width0, src_level) *
-                                  wm_prog_key.x_scale - 1.0f);
-   wm_push_consts.rect_grid_y1 = (minify(src_mt->logical_height0, src_level) *
-                                  wm_prog_key.y_scale - 1.0f);
-   wm_push_consts.x_transform.setup(src_x0, src_x1, dst_x0, dst_x1, mirror_x);
-   wm_push_consts.y_transform.setup(src_y0, src_y1, dst_y0, dst_y1, mirror_y);
-   wm_push_consts.src_z =>target == GL_TEXTURE_3D ? src.layer : 0;
-   if (dst.num_samples <= 1 && dst_mt->num_samples > 1) {
+   params.x0 = params.wm_push_consts.dst_x0 = roundf(dst_x0);
+   params.y0 = params.wm_push_consts.dst_y0 = roundf(dst_y0);
+   params.x1 = params.wm_push_consts.dst_x1 = roundf(dst_x1);
+   params.y1 = params.wm_push_consts.dst_y1 = roundf(dst_y1);
+   params.wm_push_consts.rect_grid_x1 =
+      minify(src_mt->logical_width0, src_level) * wm_prog_key.x_scale - 1.0f;
+   params.wm_push_consts.rect_grid_y1 =
+      minify(src_mt->logical_height0, src_level) * wm_prog_key.y_scale - 1.0f;
+   params.wm_push_consts.x_transform.setup(src_x0, src_x1, dst_x0, dst_x1, 
+   params.wm_push_consts.y_transform.setup(src_y0, src_y1, dst_y0, dst_y1, 
+   params.wm_push_consts.src_z =
+>target == GL_TEXTURE_3D ? params.src.layer : 0;
+   if (params.dst.num_samples <= 1 && dst_mt->num_samples > 1) {
       /* We must expand the rectangle we send through the rendering pipeline,
        * to account for the fact that we are mapping the destination region as
        * single-sampled when it is in fact multisampled.  We must also align
@@ -2104,22 +2082,22 @@ brw_blorp_blit_params::brw_blorp_blit_params(struct 
brw_context *brw,
       assert(dst_mt->msaa_layout == INTEL_MSAA_LAYOUT_IMS);
       switch (dst_mt->num_samples) {
       case 2:
-         x0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(x0 * 2, 4);
-         y0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(y0, 4);
-         x1 = ALIGN(x1 * 2, 4);
-         y1 = ALIGN(y1, 4);
+         params.x0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(params.x0 * 2, 4);
+         params.y0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(params.y0, 4);
+         params.x1 = ALIGN(params.x1 * 2, 4);
+         params.y1 = ALIGN(params.y1, 4);
       case 4:
-         x0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(x0 * 2, 4);
-         y0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(y0 * 2, 4);
-         x1 = ALIGN(x1 * 2, 4);
-         y1 = ALIGN(y1 * 2, 4);
+         params.x0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(params.x0 * 2, 4);
+         params.y0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(params.y0 * 2, 4);
+         params.x1 = ALIGN(params.x1 * 2, 4);
+         params.y1 = ALIGN(params.y1 * 2, 4);
       case 8:
-         x0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(x0 * 4, 8);
-         y0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(y0 * 2, 4);
-         x1 = ALIGN(x1 * 4, 8);
-         y1 = ALIGN(y1 * 2, 4);
+         params.x0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(params.x0 * 4, 8);
+         params.y0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(params.y0 * 2, 4);
+         params.x1 = ALIGN(params.x1 * 4, 8);
+         params.y1 = ALIGN(params.y1 * 2, 4);
          unreachable("Unrecognized sample count in brw_blorp_blit_params 
@@ -2127,7 +2105,7 @@ brw_blorp_blit_params::brw_blorp_blit_params(struct 
brw_context *brw,
       wm_prog_key.use_kill = true;
-   if (dst.map_stencil_as_y_tiled) {
+   if (params.dst.map_stencil_as_y_tiled) {
       /* We must modify the rectangle we send through the rendering pipeline
        * (and the size and x/y offset of the destination surface), to account
        * for the fact that we are mapping it as Y-tiled when it is in fact
@@ -2174,19 +2152,19 @@ brw_blorp_blit_params::brw_blorp_blit_params(struct 
brw_context *brw,
        * TODO: what if this makes the coordinates (or the texture size) too
        * large?
-      const unsigned x_align = 8, y_align = dst.num_samples != 0 ? 8 : 4;
-      x0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(x0, x_align) * 2;
-      y0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(y0, y_align) / 2;
-      x1 = ALIGN(x1, x_align) * 2;
-      y1 = ALIGN(y1, y_align) / 2;
-      dst.width = ALIGN(dst.width, x_align) * 2;
-      dst.height = ALIGN(dst.height, y_align) / 2;
-      dst.x_offset *= 2;
-      dst.y_offset /= 2;
+      const unsigned x_align = 8, y_align = params.dst.num_samples != 0 ? 8 : 
+      params.x0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(params.x0, x_align) * 2;
+      params.y0 = ROUND_DOWN_TO(params.y0, y_align) / 2;
+      params.x1 = ALIGN(params.x1, x_align) * 2;
+      params.y1 = ALIGN(params.y1, y_align) / 2;
+      params.dst.width = ALIGN(params.dst.width, x_align) * 2;
+      params.dst.height = ALIGN(params.dst.height, y_align) / 2;
+      params.dst.x_offset *= 2;
+      params.dst.y_offset /= 2;
       wm_prog_key.use_kill = true;
-   if (src.map_stencil_as_y_tiled) {
+   if (params.src.map_stencil_as_y_tiled) {
       /* We must modify the size and x/y offset of the source surface to
        * account for the fact that we are mapping it as Y-tiled when it is in
        * fact W tiled.
@@ -2196,17 +2174,17 @@ brw_blorp_blit_params::brw_blorp_blit_params(struct 
brw_context *brw,
        * TODO: what if this makes the texture size too large?
-      const unsigned x_align = 8, y_align = src.num_samples != 0 ? 8 : 4;
-      src.width = ALIGN(src.width, x_align) * 2;
-      src.height = ALIGN(src.height, y_align) / 2;
-      src.x_offset *= 2;
-      src.y_offset /= 2;
+      const unsigned x_align = 8, y_align = params.src.num_samples != 0 ? 8 : 
+      params.src.width = ALIGN(params.src.width, x_align) * 2;
+      params.src.height = ALIGN(params.src.height, y_align) / 2;
+      params.src.x_offset *= 2;
+      params.src.y_offset /= 2;
    if (!brw_search_cache(&brw->cache, BRW_CACHE_BLORP_PROG,
-                         &this->wm_prog_key, sizeof(this->wm_prog_key),
-                         &this->wm_prog_kernel, &this->wm_prog_data)) {
-      brw_blorp_blit_program prog(brw, &this->wm_prog_key);
+                         &wm_prog_key, sizeof(wm_prog_key),
+                         &params.wm_prog_kernel, &params.wm_prog_data)) {
+      brw_blorp_blit_program prog(brw, &wm_prog_key);
       GLuint program_size;
       const GLuint *program = prog.compile(brw, INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_BLORP,
@@ -2214,6 +2192,12 @@ brw_blorp_blit_params::brw_blorp_blit_params(struct 
brw_context *brw,
                        &this->wm_prog_key, sizeof(this->wm_prog_key),
                        program, program_size,
                        &prog.prog_data, sizeof(prog.prog_data),
-                       &this->wm_prog_kernel, &this->wm_prog_data);
+                       &params.wm_prog_kernel, &params.wm_prog_data);
+   params.src.swizzle = src_swizzle;
+   brw_blorp_exec(brw, &params);
+   intel_miptree_slice_set_needs_hiz_resolve(dst_mt, dst_level, dst_layer);

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