Signed-off-by: Stuart Abercrombie <>
Signed-off-by: Stéphane Marchesin <>
 src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/sw/dri_drawable.c |   50 +++++++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/sw/dri_drawable.c 
index 7b8de31..05c64b6 100644
--- a/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/sw/dri_drawable.c
+++ b/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/sw/dri_drawable.c
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
 #include "util/u_format.h"
 #include "util/u_memory.h"
 #include "util/u_inlines.h"
+#include "state_tracker/st_context.h" 
 static boolean
 dri_st_framebuffer_validate(struct st_framebuffer_iface *stfbi,
@@ -195,14 +196,23 @@ dri_set_tex_buffer2(__DRIcontext *pDRICtx, GLint target,
    struct dri_context *ctx = dri_context(pDRICtx);
    struct dri_drawable *drawable = dri_drawable(dPriv);
-   struct pipe_resource *pt;
+   struct pipe_resource *res;
+   struct st_context *stctx = (struct st_context *)ctx->st;
+   struct pipe_context *pipe = stctx->pipe;
+   struct pipe_transfer *tex_xfer;
+   char *map;
+   __DRIscreen *sPriv = dPriv->driScreenPriv;
+   int x, y, w, h, line, ximage_stride;
+   sPriv->swrast_loader->getDrawableInfo(dPriv, &x, &y, &w, &h, 
    dri_drawable_validate_att(drawable, ST_ATTACHMENT_FRONT_LEFT);
-   pt = drawable->textures[ST_ATTACHMENT_FRONT_LEFT];
+   /* Use the pipe resource associated with the X drawable */
+   res = drawable->textures[ST_ATTACHMENT_FRONT_LEFT];
-   if (pt) {
-      enum pipe_format internal_format = pt->format;
+   if (res) {
+      enum pipe_format internal_format = res->format;
       if (format == __DRI_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGB)  {
          /* only need to cover the formats recognized by dri_fill_st_visual */
@@ -218,9 +228,35 @@ dri_set_tex_buffer2(__DRIcontext *pDRICtx, GLint target,
+      tex_xfer = pipe_get_transfer(pipe, res,
+                                    0, 0,    // level, layer
+                                    PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE,
+                                    x, y,
+                                    w, h);
+      map = pipe_transfer_map(pipe, tex_xfer);
+      /* Copy the Drawable content to the mapped texture buffer */
+      sPriv->swrast_loader->getImage(dPriv, x, y, w, h, map,
+                                  dPriv->loaderPrivate);
+      /* The pipe transfer has a pitch rounded up to the nearest 64 pixels.
+         We assume 32 bit pixels. */
+      ximage_stride = w * 4;      
+      for (line = h-1; line; --line) {
+         memmove(&map[line * tex_xfer->stride], &map[line * ximage_stride], 
+      }
+      pipe_transfer_unmap(pipe, tex_xfer);
+      pipe_transfer_destroy(pipe, tex_xfer);
             (target == GL_TEXTURE_2D) ? ST_TEXTURE_2D : ST_TEXTURE_RECT,
-            0, internal_format, pt, FALSE);
+            0, internal_format, res, FALSE);

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