On 03/24/2016 07:03 PM, Thomas Helland wrote:
Welcome to the community!

Some small comments.
We usually write patch messages in present tense.
So, "Format code in .... ".
Some more comments below.

On Mar 25, 2016 01:24, "Rovanion Luckey" <rovanion.luc...@gmail.com
<mailto:rovanion.luc...@gmail.com>> wrote:
 > This is a tiny housekeeping patch which does the following:
 >         * Replaced tabs with three spaces.
 >         * Formatted oneline and multiline code comments. Some doxygen
 >                 comments weren't marked as such and some code
comments were marked
 >                 as doxygen comments.
 >         * Spaces between if- and while-statements and their parenthesis.
 > As specified on: http://mesa3d.org/devinfo.html#style

Nice detailed commit message!
I'm not sure, but I think you should just write:
"According to coding style standards" or something.
Links may die, and so having them in the commit message
may not give us much in the future.

 > The only interesting point would be @@ -364,14 +363,9 @@ where the
 > following seemingly trivial change is applied.
 > -         boolean destroyed;
 > -
 > -         destroyed = fenced_buffer_remove_locked(fenced_mgr,
 > +         boolean destroyed = fenced_buffer_remove_locked(fenced_mgr,
 > It may be that I'm missing some of the finer points of C making this
 > into a semantic change instead of the only syntactic change I was
 > after, in which case the change should be removed. It might also be
 > that it should be removed from this change set either way since it
 > could be considered non-trivial.

I'm not sure how this works now, but I believe there was
something with older versions of MSVC that didn't allow
initializing variables like this, and that's why it is separated
in declaration and initialization.
I believe C89 was the thing here? The VMware guys will know.

IIRC, the problem was with named initializers for structures. I don't think it's an issue now that we require Visual Studio 2013.

Ordinary, simple initializers like above are always fine.

I believe the requirement was lifted to a newer C standard(C99?).
Therefore this is now OK I believe.

I haven't looked to closely at the other changes.
I can do that tomorrow, if no one gets to it before me.

Don't let the minor nitpicking get you down ;-)
There's always the occasional nitpick when you first adapt
to how things are done in the project.

Thanks for your first patch!



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