--- Comment #12 from comicfans44 <> ---
with bb2c5e657b5f4c55bcec49a8d96f352ed4c1e013
lp_rast.c:352 didn't crash
but still crash at lp_rast.c:457
0xb7fc26f3 in ?? ()
0xb272a22b in lp_rast_shade_quads_mask (task=0xb5834a08, inputs=0xac5023a0,
x=108, y=64, mask=12) at lp_rast.c:457
#2 0xb272b285 in do_block_4_1 (c=<optimized out>, y=<optimized out>,
x=<optimized out>, plane=<optimized out>, tri=<optimized out>, task=<optimized
out>) at lp_rast_tri_tmp.h:67
#3 do_block_16_1 (c=<synthetic pointer>, y=<optimized out>, x=<optimized out>,
plane=0xaf058074, tri=0xac5023a0, task=0xb5834a08) at lp_rast_tri_tmp.h:152
#4 lp_rast_triangle_1 (task=0xb5834a08, arg=...) at lp_rast_tri_tmp.h:305
#5 0xb27297b1 in do_rasterize_bin (bin=<optimized out>, x=<optimized out>,
y=<optimized out>, task=0xb5834a08) at lp_rast.c:609
#6 rasterize_bin (y=<optimized out>, x=<optimized out>, bin=<optimized out>,
task=0xb5834a08) at lp_rast.c:628
#7 rasterize_scene (task=task@entry=0xb5834a08, scene=<optimized out>) at
#8 0xb2729f3a in thread_function (init_data=0xb5834a08) at lp_rast.c:828
#9 0xb2729d55 in impl_thrd_routine (p=0xb5e02bb0) at
#10 0xb7b02400 in __asan::AsanThread::ThreadStart (this=0xb632c000, os_id=935)
at /build/gcc/src/gcc-5-20160209/libsanitizer/asan/
#11 0xb7a8ff38 in asan_thread_start (arg=0xb632c000) at
#12 0xb771f291 in start_thread () from target:/usr/lib/
info args:
task = 0xb5834a08
inputs = 0xac5023a0
x = 108
y = 64
mask = 12
(gdb) p *task
$4 = {bin = 0xb55a1018, state = 0xac500900, scene = 0xb55a0800, x = 64, y = 64,
width = 64, height = 64, color_tiles = {0xa8ec0100 <error: Cannot access memory
at address 0xa8ec0100>, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, depth_tile = 0x0,
rast = 0xb5834900,
thread_index = 1, thread_data = {cache = 0xb3011900, vis_counter = 0,
raster_state = {viewport_index = 0}}, ps_invocations = 1, ps_inv_multiplier = 0
'\000', work_ready = {mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0,
__kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {
__elision_data = {__espins = 0, __elision = 0}, __list = {__next =
0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, cond = {__data =
{__lock = 0, __futex = 2, __total_seq = 1, __wakeup_seq = 1, __woken_seq = 1,
__mutex = 0xb5834a6c, __nwaiters = 0,
__broadcast_seq = 0}, __size =
'\000' <repeats 11 times>, __align = 8589934592}, counter = 0}, work_done =
{mutex = {
__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0,
{__elision_data = {__espins = 0, __elision = 0}, __list = {__next = 0x0}}},
__size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, cond = {__data = {__lock = 0,
__futex = 0, __total_seq = 0,
__wakeup_seq = 0, __woken_seq = 0, __mutex = 0x0, __nwaiters = 0,
__broadcast_seq = 0}, __size = '\000' <repeats 47 times>, __align = 0}, counter
= 0}}
p *inputs
$2 = {frontfacing = 0, disable = 0, opaque = 0, pad0 = 0, stride = 16, layer =
0, viewport_index = 0}
info locals:
state = 0xac500900
variant = 0xb4c18380
scene = <optimized out>
color = {0xa8ec01b0 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xa8ec01b0>,
0x3f800000 "", 0x3f800000 "", 0x3f800000 "", 0xa8ebcfb0 <error: Cannot access
memory at address 0xa8ebcfb0>, 0x3f800000 "", 0x3f800000 "", 0x3f800000 ""}
stride = {4096, 1065353216, 1065353216, 1065353216, 4096, 2890933152,
3032580992, 3045280264}
depth = <optimized out>
depth_stride = 2936372688
i = <optimized out>
crash address asm:
0xb7fc26f3 movdqa (%ecx,%eax,2),%xmm1
0xb7fc26f8 movapd %xmm0,0x170(%esp)
0xb7fc2701 pcmpeqd %xmm0,%xmm0
0xb7fc2705 andps 0xb7fcf050,%xmm4
0xb7fc270c pxor %xmm0,%xmm5
0xb7fc2710 movdqa %xmm1,%xmm0
0xb7fc2714 movdqa %xmm5,%xmm2
0xb7fc2718 punpcklbw %xmm3,%xmm0
0xb7fc271c punpcklbw %xmm3,%xmm2
0xb7fc2720 pmullw %xmm0,%xmm2
0xb7fc2724 cvtps2dq 0xe0(%esp),%xmm0
0xb7fc272d punpckhbw %xmm3,%xmm5
0xb7fc2731 movdqa %xmm2,0xb0(%esp)
0xb7fc273a movapd %xmm0,0xe0(%esp)
0xb7fc2743 movdqa %xmm1,%xmm0
0xb7fc2747 punpckhbw %xmm3,%xmm0
0xb7fc274b pmullw %xmm0,%xmm5
0xb7fc274f cvtps2dq 0x120(%esp),%xmm0
0xb7fc2758 movdqa %xmm1,0xd0(%esp)
0xb7fc2761 pshufd $0x4e,%xmm4,%xmm1
0xb7fc2766 movapd %xmm0,0x120(%esp)
0xb7fc276f cvtps2dq 0xf0(%esp),%xmm0
0xb7fc2778 pshufd $0xe7,%xmm4,%xmm2
0xb7fc277d punpcklwd %xmm2,%xmm1
0xb7fc2781 movapd %xmm0,(%esp)
0xb7fc2786 pshufd $0xe5,%xmm4,%xmm0
0xb7fc278b punpcklwd %xmm0,%xmm4
0xb7fc278f punpcklbw %xmm1,%xmm4
0xb7fc2793 pshufb 0xb7fcf060,%xmm4
0xb7fc279c movdqa (%ecx,%edx,1),%xmm1
0xb7fc27a1 movdqa %xmm1,0xf0(%esp)
0xb7fc27aa movdqa %xmm1,%xmm0
0xb7fc27ae pxor 0xb7fcf080,%xmm4
(gdb) info registers ecx
ecx 0xa8ec01b0 -1460928080
(gdb) info registers eax
eax 0x1000 4096
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