On 1 March 2016 at 19:04, Eduardo Lima Mitev <el...@igalia.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have sent updates for some of the patches, fixing a few dEQP regressions
> we found, as well as rebase conflicts.
> At this point, we don't have a any piglit or dEQP regression (GLES3 or
> GLES31).
> I was wondering if we maybe split the series in smaller sets, it would help
> review. Like for example, a first set only introducing the new driver hook
> to query1, then another set with query2 stuff, then the i965 bits.
> Would that help?

Possibly, though I'm going to see what I can get through, though it
might be lots of passing replies in comments rather than a coherent
review at this stage:

Do you handle:

Dependencies on OpenGL 3.2 (Core Profile)
    In core profiles for OpenGL 3.2 and later versions, queries
    for the AUTO_GENERATE_MIPMAP <pname> return the appropriate
    unsupported response.

I'm not seeing special case code for that.

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