On 25 February 2016 at 17:22, Chih-Wei Huang <cwhu...@android-x86.org> wrote:
> 2016-02-25 9:47 GMT+08:00 Emil Velikov <emil.l.veli...@gmail.com>:
>> On 24 February 2016 at 18:56, Rob Herring <r...@kernel.org> wrote:
>>> AOSP master branch has switched to clang from gcc and has major build
>>> system changes moving away from GNU make.
>> Out of curiosity: what are they moving to ? I can see "blueprint"
>> (ninja?), kati (gnu make clone) and soong(?). Is there a
>> comparison/documentation about them ?
> Google has announced the change to all partners.
> The reasons include it’s time to have just one compiler
> for Android, and the positive impact on security
> of sanitizers like AddressSanitizer, etc.
I was wondering about GNU make move (to ...?), while I think you're
talking about gcc vs clang.

> The full post and faq can be found in the
> android-gms-announcements list.
Searching for android-gms-announcements does list anything. Is there a
typo in the name or the discussion group is closed to partners only ?

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