On 01/20/2016 01:11 PM, Ilia Mirkin wrote:
On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 6:02 AM, Tapani Pälli <tapani.pa...@intel.com> wrote:
Unfortunately putting such a shader together is a bit of a pain, since
all the uniforms have to be used. I still really think you need to
build a heap. Or at least store a "first empty slot" so that you don't
repeat the iteration *every* time.

Yeah, I agree "first empty slot" would be good addition and will already
help a lot in problematic cases.
Actually it's still not so great, since you can have stupid situations
which won't fit into the first empty position. e.g. one empty
location, and a bunch of foo[2] things. That's why I like using a heap

Sure, I'll send a fix to the loop bug and will work on some shader tests so that this will continue to work when any optimizations/refactoring is done.

// Tapani

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