On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 05:41:40PM +0100, Eduardo Lima Mitev wrote:
> Hello,
> This is an RFC series adding support for the ARB_internalformat-query2 
> extension:
> https://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/internalformat_query2.txt
> The corresponding bug is being tracked at:
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92687
> Why is this an RFC series instead of a formal merge-able patch-set?
> Two reasons. Firstly, we are still polishing rough edges in some patches. 
> However, the support is complete to the best of our knowledge. Most of the 
> final changes we are making are improvements to particular query answers, 
> thus contained inside specific blocks, so they don't affect the structure of 
> the code.
> Secondly, we have been trying to get general feedback, and answers to some 
> doubts we posted on bugzilla, without much success. So maybe an explicit RFC 
> in the mailing list would bring more eyes to it.
> This is a rather large extension, with a long spec wording, certainly 
> difficult to review. So we totally appreciate the effort and brain cycles of 
> whoever takes on this.
> The patch-set is structured as follows:
> * Patches 01 to 10 sets up the stage to query2. It will add a new, generic 
> driver hook that obsoletes QuerySamplesForFormat, which is removed. But it 
> doesn't introduce anything related with query2 yet.
> * Patches 11 to 61 implement the different individual queries from query2 
> extension in the frontend (mesa/main), adding validation and helper functions 
> as needed.
There are a number of patches in this block that access the
ctx->Extensions member directly. The new and safer way to check for
extension support is to use the auto-generated helper functions defined
in main/extensions.h. Given the extension you're interested in with
Name String, GL_<name_str>, you can see if it is enabled in the given
context by using the function, _mesa_has_<name_str>(ctx)
(e.g. GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store ->
_mesa_has_ARB_shader_image_load_store(ctx)). This does all the context
checking required to determine extensions support (desktop GL vs GLES,
driver support, and API version requirement).


> * Patches 62 to 63 activates the extension on i965. Only the queries where 
> the driver has something to return other than default value returned by the 
> frontend, are explicitly added.
> Some implementation notes:
> * All the extension's frontend code is in main/formatquery.c, as it was 
> before for query1. Only that it also handles query2 now.
> * As commented above, a new driver hook 'QueryInternalFormat' was added, 
> replacing the previous one 'QuerySamplesForFormat'.
> * A fallback, generic function _mesa_query_internal_format_default() provides 
> generic implementation and sensible defaults for all queries, for drivers not 
> implementing query2. Backends that only care about answering some queries, 
> can call back this function for the other queries where a generic answer is 
> ok.
> * For all pnames, the frontend code will do generic validation as per the 
> spec: check GL profile, version, extensions.
>   - If the frontend fails basic validation, it will give the corresponding 
> negative answer, depending on the pname, without going to the driver.
>   - If the frontend is fully qualified to provide an answer, it will (i.e, 
> MAX_WIDTH, COLOR_COMPONENTS, etc). Otherwise it will call the driver hook 
>   - For the cases where the query must return full support, caveat support, 
> or no support; Mesa/main will always call the driver to decide between full 
> or caveat support (and only answer directly in the case of no-support).
> * The last patches in the branch enable support for this extension in i965 
> backend (drivers/dri/i965/brw_formatquery.c). The backend code only handle 
> queries where the answer is affected by driver-specific stuff. But by 
> default, it calls back the frontend function with the default implementations.
> * The 64 bits version of the query introduced by this extension 
> (GetInternalformati64v), was implemented as a wrapper around the 32 bits 
> version. Since only one query really requires the 64 bits API 
> (MAX_COMBINED_DIMENSIONS), we handle that pname as a special case. For the 
> rest of queries, we just forward the call to the default, 32 bits version.
> A git tree of the series can be found at:
> https://github.com/Igalia/mesa/tree/internalformat-query2-rfc
> There is also a branch containing piglit tests for the extension, which my 
> colleague Alejando will send to the piglit mailing list for feedback/review.
> cheers,
> Eduardo (on behalf of the team that worked on this)
> Alejandro PiƱeiro (9):
>   mesa: Add dispatch and extension XML for GL_ARB_internalformat_query2
>   mesa/main: not fill mesa_error on
>     _mesa_legal_texture_base_format_for_target
>   mesa/formatquery: initial implementation for GetInternalformati64v
>   mesa/formatquery: handle unmodified buffer for SAMPLES on the 64-bit
>     query
>   mesa/formatquery: support for IMAGE_FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_TYPE
>   main/formatquery: support for MAX_{WIDTH/HEIGHT/DEPTH/LAYERS}
>   mesa/formatquery: support for MAX_COMBINED_DIMENSIONS
>   mesa/texparam: make public target_allows_setting_sampler_parameters
>   mesa/formatquery: added FILTER pname support
> Antia Puentes (36):
>   mesa/main: Add extension tracking bit for ARB_internalformat_query2
>   mesa/formatquery: Added function to validate parameters
>   mesa/formatquery: Added function to set 'unsupported' responses
>   mesa/formatquery: Added a func to check if the <target> is supported
>   mesa/formatquery: Added boilerplate code to extend GetInternalformativ
>   mesa/main: Added empty skeleton of glGetInternalformati64v
>   mesa/teximage: make public is_renderable_texture_format
>   mesa/teximage: Make _mesa_format_no_online_compression public
>   mesa/formatquery: Added func to check if the 'resource' is supported
>   mesa/formatquery: Added a func to check <internalformat> supported
>   mesa/formatquery: Added the INTERNALFORMAT_SUPPORTED <pname> query
>   mesa/main: Make legal_get_tex_level_parameter_target public
>   mesa/main: Extend _mesa_base_format_has_channel to accept new pnames
>   mesa/main: Extend _mesa_get_format_bits to accept new pnames
>   mesa/formatquery: Added INTERNALFORMAT_{X}_{SIZE,TYPE} <pname> queries
>   mesa/formatquery: Added {COLOR,DEPTH,STENCIL}_COMPONENTS <pname>
>     queries
>   mesa/formatquery: Added {COLOR,DEPTH,STENCIL}_RENDERABLE <pname>
>     queries
>   mesa/genmipmap: Added a function to check if the target is valid
>   mesa/genmipmap: Added a function to validate the internalformat
>   mesa/formatquery: Added mipmap related <pname> queries
>   mesa/formatquery: Added COLOR_ENCODING <pname> query.
>   mesa/formatquery: Added SRGB_{READ,WRITE} <pname> queries
>   mesa/formatquery: Added SRGB_DECODE_ARB <pname> query
>   mesa/formatquery: Added queries related to texture sampling in shaders
>   mesa/shaderimage: Make is_image_format_supported public
>   mesa/formatquery: Added SHADER_IMAGE_{LOAD,STORE,ATOMIC} <pname>
>     queries
>   mesa/shaderimage: Added func to get the GL_IMAGE_CLASS from the format
>   mesa/formatquery: Added queries related to image textures
>   mesa/formatquery: Added simultaneous texture and depth/stencil queries
>   mesa/formatquery: Added compressed texture related queries
>   mesa/formatquery: Added CLEAR_BUFFER <pname> query
>   mesa/textureview: Make _lookup_view_class public
>   mesa/formatquery: Added texture view related queries
>   mesa/formatquery: Added texture gather/shadow related queries
>   mesa/formatquery: Added framebuffer renderability related queries
>   i965: Enable the ARB_internalformat_query2 extension
> Eduardo Lima Mitev (18):
>   mesa: Add QueryInternalFormat to device driver virtual table
>   mesa: Add a default QueryInternalFormat() function for drivers
>   i965: Add boilerplate function for QueryInternalFormat driver hook
>   i965: Move brw_query_samples_for_format() to brw_queryformat.c
>   i965/formatquery: Respond queries SAMPLES and NUM_SAMPLE_COUNTS
>   st/format: Replace QuerySamplesForFormat by new QueryInternalFormat
>     hook
>   mesa/multisample: Check sample count using the new driver hook
>   mesa/formatquery: Remove tracking of number of elements in the
>     response
>   mesa/formatquery: Use new driver hook QueryInternalFormat
>   mesa: Completely remove QuerySamplesForFormat from driver func table
>   mesa/formatquery: Added INTERNALFORMAT_PREFERRED pname
>   mesa/teximage: add _mesa_is_cube_map_texture utility method
>   mesa/formatquery: Add support for READ_PIXELS query
>   mesa/formatquery: Add READ_PIXELS_FORMAT pname
>   mesa/formatquery: Add READ_PIXELS_TYPE pname
>   mesa/formatquery: Add (GET_)TEXTURE_IMAGE_FORMAT pnames
>   mesa/formatquery: Add (GET_)TEXTURE_IMAGE_TYPE pnames
>   i965/formatquery: Add support for INTERNALFORMAT_PREFERRED query
>  src/mapi/glapi/gen/ARB_internalformat_query2.xml |  119 ++
>  src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_API.xml                    |    2 +-
>  src/mesa/drivers/common/driverfuncs.c            |    2 +-
>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/Makefile.sources       |    1 +
>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.c          |   40 +-
>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.h          |    5 +
>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_formatquery.c      |  131 ++
>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_extensions.c     |    1 +
>  src/mesa/main/dd.h                               |   26 +-
>  src/mesa/main/extensions_table.h                 |    1 +
>  src/mesa/main/formatquery.c                      | 1521 
> ++++++++++++++++++++--
>  src/mesa/main/formatquery.h                      |    9 +
>  src/mesa/main/formats.c                          |    6 +
>  src/mesa/main/genmipmap.c                        |   50 +-
>  src/mesa/main/genmipmap.h                        |    6 +
>  src/mesa/main/glformats.c                        |   12 +
>  src/mesa/main/mtypes.h                           |    1 +
>  src/mesa/main/multisample.c                      |   10 +-
>  src/mesa/main/shaderimage.c                      |   58 +-
>  src/mesa/main/shaderimage.h                      |   14 +
>  src/mesa/main/tests/dispatch_sanity.cpp          |    4 +
>  src/mesa/main/teximage.c                         |   44 +-
>  src/mesa/main/teximage.h                         |   14 +-
>  src/mesa/main/texparam.c                         |   40 +-
>  src/mesa/main/texparam.h                         |    7 +
>  src/mesa/main/texstorage.c                       |    8 +-
>  src/mesa/main/textureview.c                      |   12 +-
>  src/mesa/main/textureview.h                      |    8 +
>  src/mesa/state_tracker/st_cb_texture.c           |    2 +-
>  src/mesa/state_tracker/st_format.c               |   38 +-
>  src/mesa/state_tracker/st_format.h               |    8 +-
>  31 files changed, 1961 insertions(+), 239 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 src/mapi/glapi/gen/ARB_internalformat_query2.xml
>  create mode 100644 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_formatquery.c
> -- 
> 2.5.3
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