From: Roland Scheidegger <>

NaNs mean it should be clipped, otherwise the NaNs might get passed to the
next stages (if clipping didn't happen for another reason already), which
might cause all kind of problems.
The llvm path got this right already (possibly by luck), but this isn't used
when there's a gs active.
Found by code inspection, verified with some hacked piglit test and some more
hacked debug output.
(Note the clipper can still itself incorrectly generate NaN and INF position
values in its output prims (at least after w divide / viewport transform) even
if the inputs weren't NaNs, if the position data of the vertices is
"sufficiently bad".)
 src/gallium/auxiliary/draw/draw_cliptest_tmp.h | 28 +++++++++++++-------------
 src/gallium/auxiliary/draw/draw_llvm.c         |  4 ++++
 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/auxiliary/draw/draw_cliptest_tmp.h 
index 779b237..d8866cd 100644
--- a/src/gallium/auxiliary/draw/draw_cliptest_tmp.h
+++ b/src/gallium/auxiliary/draw/draw_cliptest_tmp.h
@@ -95,30 +95,31 @@ static boolean TAG(do_cliptest)( struct pt_post_vs *pvs,
             out->pre_clip_pos[i] = position[i];
+         /* Be careful with NaNs. Comparisons must be true for them. */
          /* Do the hardwired planes first:
          if (flags & DO_CLIP_XY_GUARD_BAND) {
-            if (-0.50 * position[0] + position[3] < 0) mask |= (1<<0);
-            if ( 0.50 * position[0] + position[3] < 0) mask |= (1<<1);
-            if (-0.50 * position[1] + position[3] < 0) mask |= (1<<2);
-            if ( 0.50 * position[1] + position[3] < 0) mask |= (1<<3);
+            if (!(-0.50 * position[0] + position[3] >= 0)) mask |= (1<<0);
+            if (!( 0.50 * position[0] + position[3] >= 0)) mask |= (1<<1);
+            if (!(-0.50 * position[1] + position[3] >= 0)) mask |= (1<<2);
+            if (!( 0.50 * position[1] + position[3] >= 0)) mask |= (1<<3);
          else if (flags & DO_CLIP_XY) {
-            if (-position[0] + position[3] < 0) mask |= (1<<0);
-            if ( position[0] + position[3] < 0) mask |= (1<<1);
-            if (-position[1] + position[3] < 0) mask |= (1<<2);
-            if ( position[1] + position[3] < 0) mask |= (1<<3);
+            if (!(-position[0] + position[3] >= 0)) mask |= (1<<0);
+            if (!( position[0] + position[3] >= 0)) mask |= (1<<1);
+            if (!(-position[1] + position[3] >= 0)) mask |= (1<<2);
+            if (!( position[1] + position[3] >= 0)) mask |= (1<<3);
          /* Clip Z planes according to full cube, half cube or none.
          if (flags & DO_CLIP_FULL_Z) {
-            if ( position[2] + position[3] < 0) mask |= (1<<4);
-            if (-position[2] + position[3] < 0) mask |= (1<<5);
+            if (!( position[2] + position[3] >= 0)) mask |= (1<<4);
+            if (!(-position[2] + position[3] >= 0)) mask |= (1<<5);
          else if (flags & DO_CLIP_HALF_Z) {
-            if ( position[2]               < 0) mask |= (1<<4);
-            if (-position[2] + position[3] < 0) mask |= (1<<5);
+            if (!( position[2]               >= 0)) mask |= (1<<4);
+            if (!(-position[2] + position[3] >= 0)) mask |= (1<<5);
          if (flags & DO_CLIP_USER) {
@@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ static boolean TAG(do_cliptest)( struct pt_post_vs *pvs,
                   if (clipdist < 0 || util_is_inf_or_nan(clipdist))
                      mask |= 1 << plane_idx;
                } else {
-                  if (dot4(clipvertex, plane[plane_idx]) < 0)
+                  if (!(dot4(clipvertex, plane[plane_idx]) >= 0))
                      mask |= 1 << plane_idx;
@@ -192,7 +193,6 @@ static boolean TAG(do_cliptest)( struct pt_post_vs *pvs,
       out = (struct vertex_header *)( (char *)out + info->stride );
    return need_pipeline != 0;
diff --git a/src/gallium/auxiliary/draw/draw_llvm.c 
index 8435991..dad523a 100644
--- a/src/gallium/auxiliary/draw/draw_llvm.c
+++ b/src/gallium/auxiliary/draw/draw_llvm.c
@@ -1200,6 +1200,10 @@ generate_clipmask(struct draw_llvm *llvm,
       cv_w = pos_w;
+   /*
+    * Be careful with the comparisons and NaNs (using llvm's unordered
+    * comparisons here).
+    */
    /* Cliptest, for hardwired planes */
    if (clip_xy) {
       /* plane 1 */

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