The illusion of shared code here wasn't fooling anybody.  It was
tempting to keep i830 and i915 still shared, but I think I actually
want to make them diverge shortly.
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i915/i830_vtbl.c      |  202 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i915/i915_vtbl.c      |  200 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vtbl.c       |  201 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_buffers.c |  199 ---------------------------
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_buffers.h |    9 +-
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_context.h |    1 +
 6 files changed, 612 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i915/i830_vtbl.c 
index 7775e71..7dba135 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i915/i830_vtbl.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i915/i830_vtbl.c
@@ -31,10 +31,13 @@
 #include "intel_regions.h"
 #include "intel_tris.h"
 #include "intel_fbo.h"
+#include "intel_buffers.h"
 #include "tnl/tnl.h"
 #include "tnl/t_context.h"
 #include "tnl/t_vertex.h"
 #include "swrast_setup/swrast_setup.h"
+#include "main/renderbuffer.h"
+#include "main/framebuffer.h"
@@ -695,6 +698,204 @@ i830_set_draw_region(struct intel_context *intel,
+ * Update the hardware state for drawing into a window or framebuffer object.
+ *
+ * Called by glDrawBuffer, glBindFramebufferEXT, MakeCurrent, and other
+ * places within the driver.
+ *
+ * Basically, this needs to be called any time the current framebuffer
+ * changes, the renderbuffers change, or we need to draw into different
+ * color buffers.
+ */
+static void
+i830_update_draw_buffer(struct intel_context *intel)
+   struct gl_context *ctx = &intel->ctx;
+   struct gl_framebuffer *fb = ctx->DrawBuffer;
+   struct intel_region *colorRegions[MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS], *depthRegion = NULL;
+   struct intel_renderbuffer *irbDepth = NULL, *irbStencil = NULL;
+   bool fb_has_hiz = intel_framebuffer_has_hiz(fb);
+   if (!fb) {
+      /* this can happen during the initial context initialization */
+      return;
+   }
+   /*
+    * If intel_context is using separate stencil, but the depth attachment
+    * (gl_framebuffer.Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH]) has a packed depth/stencil
+    * format, then we must install the real depth buffer at fb->_DepthBuffer
+    * and set fb->_DepthBuffer->Wrapped before calling 
+    * Otherwise, _mesa_update_framebuffer will create and install a swras
+    * depth wrapper instead.
+    *
+    * Ditto for stencil.
+    */
+   irbDepth = intel_get_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_DEPTH);
+   if (irbDepth && irbDepth->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_X8_Z24) {
+      _mesa_reference_renderbuffer(&fb->_DepthBuffer, &irbDepth->Base);
+      irbDepth->Base.Wrapped = fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer;
+   }
+   irbStencil = intel_get_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_STENCIL);
+   if (irbStencil && irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8) {
+      _mesa_reference_renderbuffer(&fb->_StencilBuffer, &irbStencil->Base);
+      irbStencil->Base.Wrapped = fb->Attachment[BUFFER_STENCIL].Renderbuffer;
+   }
+   /* Do this here, not core Mesa, since this function is called from
+    * many places within the driver.
+    */
+   if (ctx->NewState & _NEW_BUFFERS) {
+      /* this updates the DrawBuffer->_NumColorDrawBuffers fields, etc */
+      _mesa_update_framebuffer(ctx);
+      /* this updates the DrawBuffer's Width/Height if it's a FBO */
+      _mesa_update_draw_buffer_bounds(ctx);
+   }
+   if (fb->_Status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) {
+      /* this may occur when we're called by glBindFrameBuffer() during
+       * the process of someone setting up renderbuffers, etc.
+       */
+      /*_mesa_debug(ctx, "DrawBuffer: incomplete user FBO\n");*/
+      return;
+   }
+   /* How many color buffers are we drawing into?
+    *
+    * If there are zero buffers or the buffer is too big, don't configure any
+    * regions for hardware drawing.  We'll fallback to software below.  Not
+    * having regions set makes some of the software fallback paths faster.
+    */
+   if ((fb->Width > ctx->Const.MaxRenderbufferSize)
+       || (fb->Height > ctx->Const.MaxRenderbufferSize)
+       || (fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers == 0)) {
+      /* writing to 0  */
+      colorRegions[0] = NULL;
+   }
+   else if (fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers > 1) {
+       int i;
+       struct intel_renderbuffer *irb;
+       for (i = 0; i < fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers; i++) {
+           irb = intel_renderbuffer(fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[i]);
+           colorRegions[i] = irb ? irb->region : NULL;
+       }
+   }
+   else {
+      /* Get the intel_renderbuffer for the single colorbuffer we're drawing
+       * into.
+       */
+      if (fb->Name == 0) {
+        /* drawing to window system buffer */
+        if (fb->_ColorDrawBufferIndexes[0] == BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT)
+           colorRegions[0] = intel_get_rb_region(fb, BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT);
+        else
+           colorRegions[0] = intel_get_rb_region(fb, BUFFER_BACK_LEFT);
+      }
+      else {
+        /* drawing to user-created FBO */
+        struct intel_renderbuffer *irb;
+        irb = intel_renderbuffer(fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0]);
+        colorRegions[0] = (irb && irb->region) ? irb->region : NULL;
+      }
+   }
+   if (!colorRegions[0]) {
+   }
+   else {
+   }
+   /* Check for depth fallback. */
+   if (irbDepth && irbDepth->region) {
+      assert(!fb_has_hiz || irbDepth->Base.Format != MESA_FORMAT_S8_Z24);
+      depthRegion = irbDepth->region;
+   } else if (irbDepth && !irbDepth->region) {
+      depthRegion = NULL;
+   } else { /* !irbDepth */
+      /* No fallback is needed because there is no depth buffer. */
+      depthRegion = NULL;
+   }
+   /* Check for stencil fallback. */
+   if (irbStencil && irbStencil->region) {
+      if (!intel->has_separate_stencil)
+        assert(irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8_Z24);
+      if (fb_has_hiz || intel->must_use_separate_stencil)
+        assert(irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8);
+      if (irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8)
+        assert(intel->has_separate_stencil);
+   } else if (irbStencil && !irbStencil->region) {
+   } else { /* !irbStencil */
+      /* No fallback is needed because there is no stencil buffer. */
+   }
+   /* If we have a (packed) stencil buffer attached but no depth buffer,
+    * we still need to set up the shared depth/stencil state so we can use it.
+    */
+   if (depthRegion == NULL && irbStencil && irbStencil->region
+       && irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8_Z24) {
+      depthRegion = irbStencil->region;
+   }
+   /*
+    * Update depth and stencil test state
+    */
+   if (ctx->Driver.Enable) {
+      ctx->Driver.Enable(ctx, GL_DEPTH_TEST,
+                         (ctx->Depth.Test && fb->Visual.depthBits > 0));
+      ctx->Driver.Enable(ctx, GL_STENCIL_TEST,
+                         (ctx->Stencil.Enabled && fb->Visual.stencilBits > 0));
+   }
+   else {
+      /* Mesa's Stencil._Enabled field is updated when
+       * _NEW_BUFFERS | _NEW_STENCIL, but i965 code assumes that the value
+       * only changes with _NEW_STENCIL (which seems sensible).  So flag it
+       * here since this is the _NEW_BUFFERS path.
+       */
+      intel->NewGLState |= (_NEW_DEPTH | _NEW_STENCIL);
+   }
+   intel->vtbl.set_draw_region(intel, colorRegions, depthRegion,
+                               fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers);
+   intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_BUFFERS;
+   /* update viewport since it depends on window size */
+#ifdef I915
+   intelCalcViewport(ctx);
+   intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_VIEWPORT;
+   /* Set state we know depends on drawable parameters:
+    */
+   if (ctx->Driver.Scissor)
+      ctx->Driver.Scissor(ctx, ctx->Scissor.X, ctx->Scissor.Y,
+                         ctx->Scissor.Width, ctx->Scissor.Height);
+   intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_SCISSOR;
+   if (ctx->Driver.DepthRange)
+      ctx->Driver.DepthRange(ctx,
+                            ctx->Viewport.Near,
+                            ctx->Viewport.Far);
+   /* Update culling direction which changes depending on the
+    * orientation of the buffer:
+    */
+   if (ctx->Driver.FrontFace)
+      ctx->Driver.FrontFace(ctx, ctx->Polygon.FrontFace);
+   else
+      intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_POLYGON;
 /* This isn't really handled at the moment.
 static void
@@ -734,6 +935,7 @@ i830InitVtbl(struct i830_context *i830)
    i830->intel.vtbl.new_batch = i830_new_batch;
    i830->intel.vtbl.reduced_primitive_state = i830_reduced_primitive_state;
    i830->intel.vtbl.set_draw_region = i830_set_draw_region;
+   i830->intel.vtbl.update_draw_buffer = i830_update_draw_buffer;
    i830->intel.vtbl.update_texture_state = i830UpdateTextureState;
    i830->intel.vtbl.render_start = i830_render_start;
    i830->intel.vtbl.render_prevalidate = i830_render_prevalidate;
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i915/i915_vtbl.c 
index cd7d108..c3df2aa 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i915/i915_vtbl.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i915/i915_vtbl.c
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 #include "main/imports.h"
 #include "main/macros.h"
 #include "main/colormac.h"
+#include "main/renderbuffer.h"
+#include "main/framebuffer.h"
 #include "tnl/tnl.h"
 #include "tnl/t_context.h"
@@ -42,6 +44,7 @@
 #include "intel_regions.h"
 #include "intel_tris.h"
 #include "intel_fbo.h"
+#include "intel_buffers.h"
 #include "i915_reg.h"
 #include "i915_context.h"
@@ -667,7 +670,203 @@ i915_set_draw_region(struct intel_context *intel,
+ * Update the hardware state for drawing into a window or framebuffer object.
+ *
+ * Called by glDrawBuffer, glBindFramebufferEXT, MakeCurrent, and other
+ * places within the driver.
+ *
+ * Basically, this needs to be called any time the current framebuffer
+ * changes, the renderbuffers change, or we need to draw into different
+ * color buffers.
+ */
+static void
+i915_update_draw_buffer(struct intel_context *intel)
+   struct gl_context *ctx = &intel->ctx;
+   struct gl_framebuffer *fb = ctx->DrawBuffer;
+   struct intel_region *colorRegions[MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS], *depthRegion = NULL;
+   struct intel_renderbuffer *irbDepth = NULL, *irbStencil = NULL;
+   bool fb_has_hiz = intel_framebuffer_has_hiz(fb);
+   if (!fb) {
+      /* this can happen during the initial context initialization */
+      return;
+   }
+   /*
+    * If intel_context is using separate stencil, but the depth attachment
+    * (gl_framebuffer.Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH]) has a packed depth/stencil
+    * format, then we must install the real depth buffer at fb->_DepthBuffer
+    * and set fb->_DepthBuffer->Wrapped before calling 
+    * Otherwise, _mesa_update_framebuffer will create and install a swras
+    * depth wrapper instead.
+    *
+    * Ditto for stencil.
+    */
+   irbDepth = intel_get_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_DEPTH);
+   if (irbDepth && irbDepth->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_X8_Z24) {
+      _mesa_reference_renderbuffer(&fb->_DepthBuffer, &irbDepth->Base);
+      irbDepth->Base.Wrapped = fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer;
+   }
+   irbStencil = intel_get_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_STENCIL);
+   if (irbStencil && irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8) {
+      _mesa_reference_renderbuffer(&fb->_StencilBuffer, &irbStencil->Base);
+      irbStencil->Base.Wrapped = fb->Attachment[BUFFER_STENCIL].Renderbuffer;
+   }
+   /* Do this here, not core Mesa, since this function is called from
+    * many places within the driver.
+    */
+   if (ctx->NewState & _NEW_BUFFERS) {
+      /* this updates the DrawBuffer->_NumColorDrawBuffers fields, etc */
+      _mesa_update_framebuffer(ctx);
+      /* this updates the DrawBuffer's Width/Height if it's a FBO */
+      _mesa_update_draw_buffer_bounds(ctx);
+   }
+   if (fb->_Status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) {
+      /* this may occur when we're called by glBindFrameBuffer() during
+       * the process of someone setting up renderbuffers, etc.
+       */
+      /*_mesa_debug(ctx, "DrawBuffer: incomplete user FBO\n");*/
+      return;
+   }
+   /* How many color buffers are we drawing into?
+    *
+    * If there are zero buffers or the buffer is too big, don't configure any
+    * regions for hardware drawing.  We'll fallback to software below.  Not
+    * having regions set makes some of the software fallback paths faster.
+    */
+   if ((fb->Width > ctx->Const.MaxRenderbufferSize)
+       || (fb->Height > ctx->Const.MaxRenderbufferSize)
+       || (fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers == 0)) {
+      /* writing to 0  */
+      colorRegions[0] = NULL;
+   }
+   else if (fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers > 1) {
+       int i;
+       struct intel_renderbuffer *irb;
+       for (i = 0; i < fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers; i++) {
+           irb = intel_renderbuffer(fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[i]);
+           colorRegions[i] = irb ? irb->region : NULL;
+       }
+   }
+   else {
+      /* Get the intel_renderbuffer for the single colorbuffer we're drawing
+       * into.
+       */
+      if (fb->Name == 0) {
+        /* drawing to window system buffer */
+        if (fb->_ColorDrawBufferIndexes[0] == BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT)
+           colorRegions[0] = intel_get_rb_region(fb, BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT);
+        else
+           colorRegions[0] = intel_get_rb_region(fb, BUFFER_BACK_LEFT);
+      }
+      else {
+        /* drawing to user-created FBO */
+        struct intel_renderbuffer *irb;
+        irb = intel_renderbuffer(fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0]);
+        colorRegions[0] = (irb && irb->region) ? irb->region : NULL;
+      }
+   }
+   if (!colorRegions[0]) {
+   }
+   else {
+   }
+   /* Check for depth fallback. */
+   if (irbDepth && irbDepth->region) {
+      assert(!fb_has_hiz || irbDepth->Base.Format != MESA_FORMAT_S8_Z24);
+      depthRegion = irbDepth->region;
+   } else if (irbDepth && !irbDepth->region) {
+      depthRegion = NULL;
+   } else { /* !irbDepth */
+      /* No fallback is needed because there is no depth buffer. */
+      depthRegion = NULL;
+   }
+   /* Check for stencil fallback. */
+   if (irbStencil && irbStencil->region) {
+      if (!intel->has_separate_stencil)
+        assert(irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8_Z24);
+      if (fb_has_hiz || intel->must_use_separate_stencil)
+        assert(irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8);
+      if (irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8)
+        assert(intel->has_separate_stencil);
+   } else if (irbStencil && !irbStencil->region) {
+   } else { /* !irbStencil */
+      /* No fallback is needed because there is no stencil buffer. */
+   }
+   /* If we have a (packed) stencil buffer attached but no depth buffer,
+    * we still need to set up the shared depth/stencil state so we can use it.
+    */
+   if (depthRegion == NULL && irbStencil && irbStencil->region
+       && irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8_Z24) {
+      depthRegion = irbStencil->region;
+   }
+   /*
+    * Update depth and stencil test state
+    */
+   if (ctx->Driver.Enable) {
+      ctx->Driver.Enable(ctx, GL_DEPTH_TEST,
+                         (ctx->Depth.Test && fb->Visual.depthBits > 0));
+      ctx->Driver.Enable(ctx, GL_STENCIL_TEST,
+                         (ctx->Stencil.Enabled && fb->Visual.stencilBits > 0));
+   }
+   else {
+      /* Mesa's Stencil._Enabled field is updated when
+       * _NEW_BUFFERS | _NEW_STENCIL, but i965 code assumes that the value
+       * only changes with _NEW_STENCIL (which seems sensible).  So flag it
+       * here since this is the _NEW_BUFFERS path.
+       */
+      intel->NewGLState |= (_NEW_DEPTH | _NEW_STENCIL);
+   }
+   intel->vtbl.set_draw_region(intel, colorRegions, depthRegion,
+                               fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers);
+   intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_BUFFERS;
+   /* update viewport since it depends on window size */
+#ifdef I915
+   intelCalcViewport(ctx);
+   intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_VIEWPORT;
+   /* Set state we know depends on drawable parameters:
+    */
+   if (ctx->Driver.Scissor)
+      ctx->Driver.Scissor(ctx, ctx->Scissor.X, ctx->Scissor.Y,
+                         ctx->Scissor.Width, ctx->Scissor.Height);
+   intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_SCISSOR;
+   if (ctx->Driver.DepthRange)
+      ctx->Driver.DepthRange(ctx,
+                            ctx->Viewport.Near,
+                            ctx->Viewport.Far);
+   /* Update culling direction which changes depending on the
+    * orientation of the buffer:
+    */
+   if (ctx->Driver.FrontFace)
+      ctx->Driver.FrontFace(ctx, ctx->Polygon.FrontFace);
+   else
+      intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_POLYGON;
 static void
 i915_new_batch(struct intel_context *intel)
@@ -724,6 +923,7 @@ i915InitVtbl(struct i915_context *i915)
    i915->intel.vtbl.render_start = i915_render_start;
    i915->intel.vtbl.render_prevalidate = i915_render_prevalidate;
    i915->intel.vtbl.set_draw_region = i915_set_draw_region;
+   i915->intel.vtbl.update_draw_buffer = i915_update_draw_buffer;
    i915->intel.vtbl.update_texture_state = i915UpdateTextureState;
    i915->intel.vtbl.assert_not_dirty = i915_assert_not_dirty;
    i915->intel.vtbl.finish_batch = intel_finish_vb;
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vtbl.c 
index 6aeeda6..ef1d4f6 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vtbl.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vtbl.c
@@ -35,9 +35,12 @@
 #include "main/imports.h"
 #include "main/macros.h"
 #include "main/colormac.h"
+#include "main/renderbuffer.h"
+#include "main/framebuffer.h"
 #include "intel_batchbuffer.h" 
 #include "intel_regions.h" 
+#include "intel_fbo.h"
 #include "brw_context.h"
 #include "brw_defines.h"
@@ -76,6 +79,203 @@ static void brw_destroy_context( struct intel_context 
*intel )
+ * Update the hardware state for drawing into a window or framebuffer object.
+ *
+ * Called by glDrawBuffer, glBindFramebufferEXT, MakeCurrent, and other
+ * places within the driver.
+ *
+ * Basically, this needs to be called any time the current framebuffer
+ * changes, the renderbuffers change, or we need to draw into different
+ * color buffers.
+ */
+static void
+brw_update_draw_buffer(struct intel_context *intel)
+   struct gl_context *ctx = &intel->ctx;
+   struct gl_framebuffer *fb = ctx->DrawBuffer;
+   struct intel_region *colorRegions[MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS], *depthRegion = NULL;
+   struct intel_renderbuffer *irbDepth = NULL, *irbStencil = NULL;
+   bool fb_has_hiz = intel_framebuffer_has_hiz(fb);
+   if (!fb) {
+      /* this can happen during the initial context initialization */
+      return;
+   }
+   /*
+    * If intel_context is using separate stencil, but the depth attachment
+    * (gl_framebuffer.Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH]) has a packed depth/stencil
+    * format, then we must install the real depth buffer at fb->_DepthBuffer
+    * and set fb->_DepthBuffer->Wrapped before calling 
+    * Otherwise, _mesa_update_framebuffer will create and install a swras
+    * depth wrapper instead.
+    *
+    * Ditto for stencil.
+    */
+   irbDepth = intel_get_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_DEPTH);
+   if (irbDepth && irbDepth->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_X8_Z24) {
+      _mesa_reference_renderbuffer(&fb->_DepthBuffer, &irbDepth->Base);
+      irbDepth->Base.Wrapped = fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer;
+   }
+   irbStencil = intel_get_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_STENCIL);
+   if (irbStencil && irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8) {
+      _mesa_reference_renderbuffer(&fb->_StencilBuffer, &irbStencil->Base);
+      irbStencil->Base.Wrapped = fb->Attachment[BUFFER_STENCIL].Renderbuffer;
+   }
+   /* Do this here, not core Mesa, since this function is called from
+    * many places within the driver.
+    */
+   if (ctx->NewState & _NEW_BUFFERS) {
+      /* this updates the DrawBuffer->_NumColorDrawBuffers fields, etc */
+      _mesa_update_framebuffer(ctx);
+      /* this updates the DrawBuffer's Width/Height if it's a FBO */
+      _mesa_update_draw_buffer_bounds(ctx);
+   }
+   if (fb->_Status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) {
+      /* this may occur when we're called by glBindFrameBuffer() during
+       * the process of someone setting up renderbuffers, etc.
+       */
+      /*_mesa_debug(ctx, "DrawBuffer: incomplete user FBO\n");*/
+      return;
+   }
+   /* How many color buffers are we drawing into?
+    *
+    * If there are zero buffers or the buffer is too big, don't configure any
+    * regions for hardware drawing.  We'll fallback to software below.  Not
+    * having regions set makes some of the software fallback paths faster.
+    */
+   if ((fb->Width > ctx->Const.MaxRenderbufferSize)
+       || (fb->Height > ctx->Const.MaxRenderbufferSize)
+       || (fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers == 0)) {
+      /* writing to 0  */
+      colorRegions[0] = NULL;
+   }
+   else if (fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers > 1) {
+       int i;
+       struct intel_renderbuffer *irb;
+       for (i = 0; i < fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers; i++) {
+           irb = intel_renderbuffer(fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[i]);
+           colorRegions[i] = irb ? irb->region : NULL;
+       }
+   }
+   else {
+      /* Get the intel_renderbuffer for the single colorbuffer we're drawing
+       * into.
+       */
+      if (fb->Name == 0) {
+        /* drawing to window system buffer */
+        if (fb->_ColorDrawBufferIndexes[0] == BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT)
+           colorRegions[0] = intel_get_rb_region(fb, BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT);
+        else
+           colorRegions[0] = intel_get_rb_region(fb, BUFFER_BACK_LEFT);
+      }
+      else {
+        /* drawing to user-created FBO */
+        struct intel_renderbuffer *irb;
+        irb = intel_renderbuffer(fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0]);
+        colorRegions[0] = (irb && irb->region) ? irb->region : NULL;
+      }
+   }
+   if (!colorRegions[0]) {
+   }
+   else {
+   }
+   /* Check for depth fallback. */
+   if (irbDepth && irbDepth->region) {
+      assert(!fb_has_hiz || irbDepth->Base.Format != MESA_FORMAT_S8_Z24);
+      depthRegion = irbDepth->region;
+   } else if (irbDepth && !irbDepth->region) {
+      depthRegion = NULL;
+   } else { /* !irbDepth */
+      /* No fallback is needed because there is no depth buffer. */
+      depthRegion = NULL;
+   }
+   /* Check for stencil fallback. */
+   if (irbStencil && irbStencil->region) {
+      if (!intel->has_separate_stencil)
+        assert(irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8_Z24);
+      if (fb_has_hiz || intel->must_use_separate_stencil)
+        assert(irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8);
+      if (irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8)
+        assert(intel->has_separate_stencil);
+   } else if (irbStencil && !irbStencil->region) {
+   } else { /* !irbStencil */
+      /* No fallback is needed because there is no stencil buffer. */
+   }
+   /* If we have a (packed) stencil buffer attached but no depth buffer,
+    * we still need to set up the shared depth/stencil state so we can use it.
+    */
+   if (depthRegion == NULL && irbStencil && irbStencil->region
+       && irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8_Z24) {
+      depthRegion = irbStencil->region;
+   }
+   /*
+    * Update depth and stencil test state
+    */
+   if (ctx->Driver.Enable) {
+      ctx->Driver.Enable(ctx, GL_DEPTH_TEST,
+                         (ctx->Depth.Test && fb->Visual.depthBits > 0));
+      ctx->Driver.Enable(ctx, GL_STENCIL_TEST,
+                         (ctx->Stencil.Enabled && fb->Visual.stencilBits > 0));
+   }
+   else {
+      /* Mesa's Stencil._Enabled field is updated when
+       * _NEW_BUFFERS | _NEW_STENCIL, but i965 code assumes that the value
+       * only changes with _NEW_STENCIL (which seems sensible).  So flag it
+       * here since this is the _NEW_BUFFERS path.
+       */
+      intel->NewGLState |= (_NEW_DEPTH | _NEW_STENCIL);
+   }
+   intel->vtbl.set_draw_region(intel, colorRegions, depthRegion,
+                               fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers);
+   intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_BUFFERS;
+   /* update viewport since it depends on window size */
+#ifdef I915
+   intelCalcViewport(ctx);
+   intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_VIEWPORT;
+   /* Set state we know depends on drawable parameters:
+    */
+   if (ctx->Driver.Scissor)
+      ctx->Driver.Scissor(ctx, ctx->Scissor.X, ctx->Scissor.Y,
+                         ctx->Scissor.Width, ctx->Scissor.Height);
+   intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_SCISSOR;
+   if (ctx->Driver.DepthRange)
+      ctx->Driver.DepthRange(ctx,
+                            ctx->Viewport.Near,
+                            ctx->Viewport.Far);
+   /* Update culling direction which changes depending on the
+    * orientation of the buffer:
+    */
+   if (ctx->Driver.FrontFace)
+      ctx->Driver.FrontFace(ctx, ctx->Polygon.FrontFace);
+   else
+      intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_POLYGON;
  * called from intelDrawBuffer()
@@ -162,6 +362,7 @@ void brwInitVtbl( struct brw_context *brw )
    brw->intel.vtbl.new_batch = brw_new_batch;
    brw->intel.vtbl.finish_batch = brw_finish_batch;
    brw->intel.vtbl.destroy = brw_destroy_context;
+   brw->intel.vtbl.update_draw_buffer = brw_update_draw_buffer;
    brw->intel.vtbl.set_draw_region = brw_set_draw_region;
    brw->intel.vtbl.debug_batch = brw_debug_batch;
    brw->intel.vtbl.render_target_supported = brw_render_target_supported;
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_buffers.c 
index a52a07c..fccdcbd 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_buffers.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_buffers.c
@@ -78,205 +78,6 @@ intel_check_front_buffer_rendering(struct intel_context 
- * Update the hardware state for drawing into a window or framebuffer object.
- *
- * Called by glDrawBuffer, glBindFramebufferEXT, MakeCurrent, and other
- * places within the driver.
- *
- * Basically, this needs to be called any time the current framebuffer
- * changes, the renderbuffers change, or we need to draw into different
- * color buffers.
- */
-intel_draw_buffer(struct gl_context * ctx, struct gl_framebuffer *fb)
-   struct intel_context *intel = intel_context(ctx);
-   struct intel_region *colorRegions[MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS], *depthRegion = NULL;
-   struct intel_renderbuffer *irbDepth = NULL, *irbStencil = NULL;
-   bool fb_has_hiz = intel_framebuffer_has_hiz(fb);
-   if (!fb) {
-      /* this can happen during the initial context initialization */
-      return;
-   }
-   /*
-    * If intel_context is using separate stencil, but the depth attachment
-    * (gl_framebuffer.Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH]) has a packed depth/stencil
-    * format, then we must install the real depth buffer at fb->_DepthBuffer
-    * and set fb->_DepthBuffer->Wrapped before calling 
-    * Otherwise, _mesa_update_framebuffer will create and install a swras
-    * depth wrapper instead.
-    *
-    * Ditto for stencil.
-    */
-   irbDepth = intel_get_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_DEPTH);
-   if (irbDepth && irbDepth->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_X8_Z24) {
-      _mesa_reference_renderbuffer(&fb->_DepthBuffer, &irbDepth->Base);
-      irbDepth->Base.Wrapped = fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer;
-   }
-   irbStencil = intel_get_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_STENCIL);
-   if (irbStencil && irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8) {
-      _mesa_reference_renderbuffer(&fb->_StencilBuffer, &irbStencil->Base);
-      irbStencil->Base.Wrapped = fb->Attachment[BUFFER_STENCIL].Renderbuffer;
-   }
-   /* Do this here, not core Mesa, since this function is called from
-    * many places within the driver.
-    */
-   if (ctx->NewState & _NEW_BUFFERS) {
-      /* this updates the DrawBuffer->_NumColorDrawBuffers fields, etc */
-      _mesa_update_framebuffer(ctx);
-      /* this updates the DrawBuffer's Width/Height if it's a FBO */
-      _mesa_update_draw_buffer_bounds(ctx);
-   }
-   if (fb->_Status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) {
-      /* this may occur when we're called by glBindFrameBuffer() during
-       * the process of someone setting up renderbuffers, etc.
-       */
-      /*_mesa_debug(ctx, "DrawBuffer: incomplete user FBO\n");*/
-      return;
-   }
-   /* How many color buffers are we drawing into?
-    *
-    * If there are zero buffers or the buffer is too big, don't configure any
-    * regions for hardware drawing.  We'll fallback to software below.  Not
-    * having regions set makes some of the software fallback paths faster.
-    */
-   if ((fb->Width > ctx->Const.MaxRenderbufferSize)
-       || (fb->Height > ctx->Const.MaxRenderbufferSize)
-       || (fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers == 0)) {
-      /* writing to 0  */
-      colorRegions[0] = NULL;
-   }
-   else if (fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers > 1) {
-       int i;
-       struct intel_renderbuffer *irb;
-       for (i = 0; i < fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers; i++) {
-           irb = intel_renderbuffer(fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[i]);
-           colorRegions[i] = irb ? irb->region : NULL;
-       }
-   }
-   else {
-      /* Get the intel_renderbuffer for the single colorbuffer we're drawing
-       * into.
-       */
-      if (fb->Name == 0) {
-        /* drawing to window system buffer */
-        if (fb->_ColorDrawBufferIndexes[0] == BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT)
-           colorRegions[0] = intel_get_rb_region(fb, BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT);
-        else
-           colorRegions[0] = intel_get_rb_region(fb, BUFFER_BACK_LEFT);
-      }
-      else {
-        /* drawing to user-created FBO */
-        struct intel_renderbuffer *irb;
-        irb = intel_renderbuffer(fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0]);
-        colorRegions[0] = (irb && irb->region) ? irb->region : NULL;
-      }
-   }
-   if (!colorRegions[0]) {
-   }
-   else {
-   }
-   /* Check for depth fallback. */
-   if (irbDepth && irbDepth->region) {
-      assert(!fb_has_hiz || irbDepth->Base.Format != MESA_FORMAT_S8_Z24);
-      depthRegion = irbDepth->region;
-   } else if (irbDepth && !irbDepth->region) {
-      depthRegion = NULL;
-   } else { /* !irbDepth */
-      /* No fallback is needed because there is no depth buffer. */
-      depthRegion = NULL;
-   }
-   /* Check for stencil fallback. */
-   if (irbStencil && irbStencil->region) {
-      if (!intel->has_separate_stencil)
-        assert(irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8_Z24);
-      if (fb_has_hiz || intel->must_use_separate_stencil)
-        assert(irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8);
-      if (irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8)
-        assert(intel->has_separate_stencil);
-   } else if (irbStencil && !irbStencil->region) {
-   } else { /* !irbStencil */
-      /* No fallback is needed because there is no stencil buffer. */
-   }
-   /* If we have a (packed) stencil buffer attached but no depth buffer,
-    * we still need to set up the shared depth/stencil state so we can use it.
-    */
-   if (depthRegion == NULL && irbStencil && irbStencil->region
-       && irbStencil->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8_Z24) {
-      depthRegion = irbStencil->region;
-   }
-   /*
-    * Update depth and stencil test state
-    */
-   if (ctx->Driver.Enable) {
-      ctx->Driver.Enable(ctx, GL_DEPTH_TEST,
-                         (ctx->Depth.Test && fb->Visual.depthBits > 0));
-      ctx->Driver.Enable(ctx, GL_STENCIL_TEST,
-                         (ctx->Stencil.Enabled && fb->Visual.stencilBits > 0));
-   }
-   else {
-      /* Mesa's Stencil._Enabled field is updated when
-       * _NEW_BUFFERS | _NEW_STENCIL, but i965 code assumes that the value
-       * only changes with _NEW_STENCIL (which seems sensible).  So flag it
-       * here since this is the _NEW_BUFFERS path.
-       */
-      intel->NewGLState |= (_NEW_DEPTH | _NEW_STENCIL);
-   }
-   intel->vtbl.set_draw_region(intel, colorRegions, depthRegion, 
-                               fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers);
-   intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_BUFFERS;
-   /* update viewport since it depends on window size */
-#ifdef I915
-   intelCalcViewport(ctx);
-   intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_VIEWPORT;
-   /* Set state we know depends on drawable parameters:
-    */
-   if (ctx->Driver.Scissor)
-      ctx->Driver.Scissor(ctx, ctx->Scissor.X, ctx->Scissor.Y,
-                         ctx->Scissor.Width, ctx->Scissor.Height);
-   intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_SCISSOR;
-   if (ctx->Driver.DepthRange)
-      ctx->Driver.DepthRange(ctx,
-                            ctx->Viewport.Near,
-                            ctx->Viewport.Far);
-   /* Update culling direction which changes depending on the
-    * orientation of the buffer:
-    */
-   if (ctx->Driver.FrontFace)
-      ctx->Driver.FrontFace(ctx, ctx->Polygon.FrontFace);
-   else
-      intel->NewGLState |= _NEW_POLYGON;
 static void
 intelDrawBuffer(struct gl_context * ctx, GLenum mode)
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_buffers.h 
index 2d4613b..a7e7797 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_buffers.h
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_buffers.h
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #include "dri_util.h"
 #include "drm.h"
+#include "intel_context.h"
 struct intel_context;
 struct intel_framebuffer;
@@ -41,7 +42,13 @@ extern struct intel_region *intel_drawbuf_region(struct 
intel_context *intel);
 extern void intel_check_front_buffer_rendering(struct intel_context *intel);
-extern void intel_draw_buffer(struct gl_context * ctx, struct gl_framebuffer 
+static inline void
+intel_draw_buffer(struct gl_context * ctx, struct gl_framebuffer *fb)
+   struct intel_context *intel = intel_context(ctx);
+   intel->vtbl.update_draw_buffer(intel);
 extern void intelInitBufferFuncs(struct dd_function_table *functions);
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_context.h 
index 1727bad..531382c 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_context.h
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_context.h
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ struct intel_context
                                struct intel_region * draw_regions[],
                                struct intel_region * depth_region,
                               GLuint num_regions);
+      void (*update_draw_buffer)(struct intel_context *intel);
       void (*reduced_primitive_state) (struct intel_context * intel,
                                        GLenum rprim);

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