Hello Stéphane,

I've tried your patch (I adopted it to 7.10.3, see attached patch), but it 
results in a SEGFAULT:

Thread [1] 12367 (Suspended : Signal : SIGSEGV:Segmentation fault)
                st_visual_to_context_mode() at st_manager.c:309 0xb6ea7be0
                st_framebuffer_create() at st_manager.c:441 0xb6ea8352
                st_api_make_current() at st_manager.c:732 0xb6ea8456
                dri_make_current() at dri_context.c:194 0xb6e4662f
                driBindContext() at dri_util.c:196 0xb6e425a9
                dri2_bind_context() at dri2_glx.c:151 0xb7480d10
                MakeContextCurrent() at glxcurrent.c:263 0xb7459b2d
                glXMakeCurrent() at glxcurrent.c:287 0xb7459c43
                gdk_gl_window_impl_x11_make_context_current() at 
gdkglwindow-x11.c:250 0xb7fc583e
                gdk_gl_drawable_gl_begin() at gdkgldrawable.c:143 0xb7fa384d
                configure_event() at simple.c:81 0x8049982

In st_framebuffer_create() stfbi->visual was not initialized.

Do I have to apply other patches to 7.10.3?


Von: marc...@google.com [mailto:marc...@google.com] Im Auftrag von Stéphane 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2011 04:22
An: Lampersperger Andreas
Cc: Chris Wilson; mesa-dev@lists.freedesktop.org
Betreff: Re: [Mesa-dev] leak of gem_objects on intel i965

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 01:53, Lampersperger Andreas 

I've tried and the gem_objects leak still exists.

I found the leak also on a i915 not only on a i965.

It only disappears if I set LIBGL_ALLWAYS_SOFTWARE (not really an opinion ;-).

Now I can try to update user space libraries, what lib would you suspect most?

libdrm 2.4.23
xorg-server 1.10.2
Or I can continue debugging, if anyone can give me a hint to the following 

In which function are the buffers freed, which are received
from xserver via DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat(..) at dri2.c:431?

This sounds familiar. You may want to try the patch I posted earlied today 
("glx: implement drawable refcounting").


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