On May 5, 2011, at 1:09 PM, Jesse Barnes wrote:

> On Thu, 05 May 2011 12:59:50 -0700
> Jeremy Huddleston <jerem...@apple.com> wrote:
>> For *proto/mesa:
>> Reviewed-by: Jeremy Huddleston <jerem...@apple.com>
> Thanks.
>> For xserver:
>> This looks incomplete.  You also need to update swap_count in 
>> DRI2DrawableRec to be CARD32.
> That value is used in other places that actually preserve the full 64
> bits.  I could add an explicit cast in the few places where we pass it
> to the swap completion though if you think that's better...

Yes, I realize that there are some areas that use 64bit for sbc.  Do we really 
need 64bits for this?  If so, how do we properly to communicate the 64bit value 
between server/client?  Currently, your changes result in an implicit cast from 
64bit to 32bits in DRI2SwapComplete which will cause problems if we really do 
need those extra bits:

    if (swap_complete)
        swap_complete(client, swap_data, type, ust, frame, pPriv->swap_count);

It looks to me like much more of DRI2 should be rewritten to use 32bit swap 
counts, or there should be some other mechanism in place to communicate the 
full 64bit value.

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