
2011/2/15 Zack Rusin <za...@vmware.com>:
> [...]
> replace everything we have right now. the fact that piglit and our demos
> already use it make it even easier. the build system to rule them all.
> unfortunately Jose tried it and the issue was that cmake doesn't support
> convinenice libraries which mesa uses quite extensively and there was no
> decent way of making it work without recompiling the same file number of times
> (not a workable solution from a development point of view). so as it stands
> scons is the "official" way of building on windows.

CMake devs regularly claim that they do not support convenience
libraries. From my point of view cmake supports the most important
feature of convenience libraries through static libraries. That is
dependency tracking. We use that feature extensively, and so far it
has not failed for us in the last two years. But I am not 100% sure
what libtool does additionally to dependency tracking.

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