On 08/06/2010 10:47 AM, tom fogal wrote:
> "Kevin H. Hobbs" <hob...@ohiou.edu> writes:
>> my git bisect script uses :
>> make -j8  linux-x86-64-debug
>> so -fvisibility=3Dhidden is not added to the command line of the
>> builds in the git bisection.
> Oh.  Can you add it into your bisect script and try again?
>   sed -i "s,OPT_FLAGS = -g,OPT_FLAGS=-g -fvisibility=hidden," 
> linux-x86-64-debug
> Should do it.
> -tom

I added this to my bisect script and did :

git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/mesa/mesa
cd mesa
git bisect start
git bisect bad
git bisect good cbf30fce322506bd43692617de9d201533f41532
# anything before this won't build with -fvisibility=hidden

What I got was :

91c37599f621a0ec498c0f0add14f16470ca852b is the first bad commit
commit 91c37599f621a0ec498c0f0add14f16470ca852b
Author: Brian Paul <bri...@vmware.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 2 18:18:15 2010 -0600

    osmesa: remove old renderbuffer before adding new

    Fixes fd.o bug 10966 when OSMesaMakeCurrent() was called twice.

    NOTE: This is a candidate for the 7.8 branch.

:040000 040000 a4ba3e3942358d9f65e1776be65f6c777e2e9727
fc9d13a49f9091236be27945a3aafbcf347ea55f M      src
bisect run success

which is the same as before.

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