I'm planning to merge this branch soon, though I'll fix some broken things first. In any case, the probably most fundamental change is that get_tex_surface not only got renamed (to create_surface) but also moved to context. In short, pipe_surface is not (or no longer as there were free standing surfaces once upon a time in gallium) some kind of "2d surface" which should be used in (non-rendering) state trackers to move any kind of images around. pipe_surface is meant to be used to attach resources to depthstencil and color render target outputs (similar to DX10 DepthStencil and RenderTarget Views). One thing though I'm not quite sure is if for array textures, the same field should be used in the resource as for storing depth of 3d textures (the depth0 field). Using the same "layer" field both for faces, array index and 3d depth seems to make a lot of sense for transfers, the sampler views and in pipe_surface, but I'm not sure the same field should be used in the resource itself. I've actually converted some code to do that (but not quite all for instance the mesa state tracker is broken there). The reason for using the same field would be that it's mutually exclusive anyway (unless someone introduces 3d array textures...), hence not really 2 fields are necessary. But OTOH depth behaves differently to arraysize (and cube faces) because it doesn't get minified for smaller mips. So if someone has convincing reasons what should be preferred I'll follow it :-). One this is for sure though we need some way to store array size, and cube maps will follow that pattern since for resource handling they are pretty much the same as a 2d array texture with array size of 6.

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