Dear Colleagues,
Pacific Marine Mammal Center (PMMC) rescue, rehabilitates and releases sick and 
injured marine mammals in Orange County California and has a robust research 
program studying marine mammal health and broader ocean health topics. PMMC is 
gearing up to open our newly expanded marine mammal rehabilitation hospital and 
is hiring several positions to support our growing rescue program, 
rehabilitation hospital, and research team 
( Positions include: 1) Director of Rescue 
and Cetacean Conservation, 2) Associate Veterinarian. 3) Veterinary Technician, 
and 4) Animal Care Supervisor. Please see the position description below and 
follow links provided for more information and how to apply.
We look forward to seeing your applications!

Director of Rescue and Cetacean Conservation: This is a leadership position 
that is responsible for overseeing the Rescue and Response team and will help 
develop PMMC’s new Cetacean Conservation Program. The primary responsibilities 
include facilitating marine mammal rescues, on-water responses, whale 
disentanglement efforts, pinniped remote sedation operations, drone support, 
and necropsies, and growing our Cetacean Conservation initiatives.
More information and how to apply can be found here:

Associate Veterinarian: This is an essential position that oversees the medical 
diagnosis, treatment and care of sick and injured wild marine mammals 
undergoing rehabilitation. PMMC’s newly renovated hospital is equipped with 
in-house bloodwork, radiographs, ultrasound, endoscopy, as well as access to 
advanced imaging (MRI and CT) and specialty consultation.  Additional 
responsibilities include performing necropsies, overseeing veterinary extern 
and internship programs, and mentoring our amazing Animal Care Staff and 
Volunteers. The Associate Veterinarian is a critical link between our 
rehabilitation hospital and our research program. We encourage applicants with 
both clinical and research interests to apply. Canidates must hold a Doctor of 
Veterinary Medicine degree, (DVM, VMD) from US AVMA accredited veterinary 
More information and how to apply can be found here:

Veterinary Technician: This position plays a key role in supporting our 
Veterinary and Animal Care Staff with all aspects of patient care. PMMC’s newly 
renovated hospital is equipped with in-house bloodwork, radiographs, 
ultrasound, endoscopy, as well as access to advanced imaging (MRI and CT) and 
specialty consultation. Additional responsibilities include assisting with 
necropsies, mentoring veterinary externs, med team, and our amazing Animal Care 
Staff & Volunteers. Minimum 2 years of experience as a Veterinary Technician or 
Veterinary Assistant; preference given to applicants with 
wildlife/rehabilitation, aquarium, zoological, ER/ECC, and/or anesthesia 
More information and how to apply can be found here:

Animal Care Supervisor: This position leads the daily care, husbandry needs, 
and treatments to marine mammal patients undergoing rehabilitation, and 
oversees Volunteers providing care for various pinnipeds species during their 
rehabilitation process. Secondary responsibilities include assisting with 
marine mammal rescue, veterinary procedures, necropsy, and research.
More information and how to apply can be found here:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions or request for further 
information about our organization or the positions.
All the best,
Alissa Deming (


Alissa C. Deming DVM, MS, PhD

Vice President of Conservation Medicine and Science

O: (949) 494-3050   ext:202

20612 Laguna Canyon Road

Laguna Beach, CA 92651

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