On behalf of my co-authors, I am pleased to share our recent publication as
part of the special issue *Biomarkers of Reproductive Health in Wildlife* in
 Theriogenology Wild:

Atkinson, S., Melica, V., Teerlink, S., Mashburn, K., Moran, J. and
Pearson, H., 2023. Use of hormones in assessing reproductive physiology of
humpback whales *(Megaptera novaeangliae) *from Juneau, Alaska. *Theriogenology
Wild*, p.100050.


Humpback whales (*Megaptera novaeangliae*) in Southeast Alaska have been
studied for over 50 years, and are largely considered a recovery success
since the cessation of commercial whaling. Reproductive physiology is an
important factor to consider in studying population health and can provide
important insights into the drivers contributing to population abundance
fluctuations. Validated assays for progesterone and testosterone were used
on blubber biopsies from humpback whales (N = 33 whales, 71 samples) near
Juneau, Alaska, in 2020 and 2021. Long-term sighting histories were used to
confirm detected pregnancies with calf sightings the following year.
Blubber samples were divided into two seasonal bins (early and late
summer). Pregnant females sampled in both early and late summer of both
2020 and 2021 showed elevated progesterone concentrations compared to other
reproductive states (p < 0.05). Progesterone concentrations in adult male
whales (0.3 ± 0.2 ng/g) were not significantly different from lactating or
resting female whales. Blubber testosterone concentrations in adult male
humpback whales ranged from 0.05 to 1.1 ng/g, and mean concentrations were
approximately double those of female whales in any reproductive state.
Pregnancy was detected in 5 of 11 and 4 of 9 adult females in 2020 and 2021
respectively, yielding summer season pregnancy rates for sexually mature
females at 0.45, and 0.44, respectively. Calving rates were 0.36 and 0.22
in 2020 and 2021, respectively, and the annual growth rate for this
subpopulation was calculated at 2.6 % per annum. One female had successful
pregnancies for four consecutive years. These results demonstrate the
synergistic value of combining immunoreactive assays and long-term sighting
histories to further knowledge of reproductive physiology in individual
humpback whales, which can be expanded to assessing the health of a
population or ecosystem.

The article can be found at this URL :

Kind regards,

Valentina Melica

Valentina Melica, PhD
Italy-US Fulbright Alumna
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