Dear friends,

We are pleased to share announcement of publication in Methods in Ecology and 
Evolution of:
A deep learning approach to photo–identification demonstrates high performance 
on two dozen cetacean species
This open access paper led by Phil Patton of University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, 
with 55 co-authors, describes the development, testing, accuracy and initial 
implementations of a tool that colleagues may find useful for individual 
recognition of any cetacean ID-able from dorsal fin / lateral view photos.

Available here:


Researchers can investigate many aspects of animal ecology through noninvasive 
photo–identification. Photo–identification is becoming more efficient as 
matching individuals between photos is increasingly automated. However, the 
convolutional neural network models that have facilitated this change need many 
training images to generalize well. As a result, they have often been developed 
for individual species that meet this threshold. These single-species methods 
might underperform, as they ignore potential similarities in identifying 
characteristics and the photo–identification process among species.
In this paper, we introduce a multi-species photo–identification model based on 
a state-of-the-art method in human facial recognition, the ArcFace 
classification head. Our model uses two such heads to jointly classify species 
and identities, allowing species to share information and parameters within the 
network. As a demonstration, we trained this model with 50,796 images from 39 
catalogues of 24 cetacean species, evaluating its predictive performance on 
21,192 test images from the same catalogues. We further evaluated its 
predictive performance with two external catalogues entirely composed of 
identities that the model did not see during training.
The model achieved a mean average precision (MAP) of 0.869 on the test set. Of 
these, 10 catalogues representing seven species achieved a MAP score over 0.95. 
For some species, there was notable variation in performance among catalogues, 
largely explained by variation in photo quality. Finally, the model appeared to 
generalize well, with the two external catalogues scoring similarly to their 
species' counterparts in the larger test set.
From our cetacean application, we provide a list of recommendations for 
potential users of this model, focusing on those with cetacean 
photo–identification catalogues. For example, users with high quality images of 
animals identified by dorsal nicks and notches should expect near optimal 
performance. Users can expect decreasing performance for catalogues with higher 
proportions of indistinct individuals or poor quality photos. Finally, we note 
that this model is currently freely available as code in a GitHub repository 
and as a graphical user interface, with additional functionality for 
collaborative data management, via
UH Mānoa published a press release about the work here:

The development and implementation efforts have very much been modeled on the 
success of Happywhale’s humpback fluke ID AI work, with the intent to create 
broadly usable tools and collaborative accessibility. For any correspondence 
feel free to be in touch with me ( re: usage and Phil 
( re: technical aspects.

Yay whales!

Ted Cheeseman

Read our recent publications - humpback whale automated image recognition:, multi-species image recognition: 
and humpbacks of the North Pacific:

** know your whales :) **

I live and play on unceded lands of the Ohlone.

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