Edgewise Environmental is offering a Canada - Marine Mammal Observer (MMO)
program from July 20th - August 10th and a Seabird Observer (SBO) program
from August 17 - September 7th with both at-sea practicals taking place on
September 8th in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.

We are also offering a Canada - Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) program from
October 11th - November 1st with at-sea practical taking place on November
9th in Victoria, British Columbia.

Both MMO and SBO courses will have theory delivered online.

Click here <https://www.edgewiseenvironmental.com/events/> for more
information or email i...@edgewiseenvironmental.com.


Emily Welsh
*Social Media and Marketing Coordinator*
Edgewise Environmental Ltd.
(709) 770-0492
St. John's, NL, Canada

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