Dear Marine Mammal community,
We are pleased to share with you this publication on the "Response of cetaceans to fluctuations of pelagic fish stocks and environmental conditions within the Celtic Sea ecosystem":

The Celtic Sea herring stock has declined drastically since 2013 and has not yet recovered. This situation has led to concerns about the possible implications on herring predators, such as cetaceans. In this study we investigate the spatio-temporal patterns of the ecosystem conditions and the relative abundance and distribution of cetaceans and prey species. We also modelled the response of cetaceans (common dolphins, fin, minke, humpback and unidentified whale species) to fluctuations of prey (herring and sprat) and environmental conditions (SST, CHL, PAR, ZEU and their variation).

If the topic has caught your attention, check out the article for more information! And last but not least, please feel free to contact me if your interest goes beyond the paper. Any comments you would like to share with me are more than welcome!

Best wishes,

Andrea Fariñas-Bermejo

PhD student
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (IIM-CSIC)
Vigo, Spain

Twitter: @_andrea_fb <>
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