Dear Colleagues,

I hope you are doing well.  My co-authors and I are excited to announce the
following open-access publication:
Guazzo RA, Durbach IN, Helble TA, Alongi GC, Martin CR, Martin SW and
Henderson EE (2021) Singing Fin Whale Swimming Behavior in the Central
North Pacific. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:696002. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.696002


Male fin whales sing using 20 Hz pulses produced in regular patterns of
inter-note intervals, but little is known about fin whale swimming behavior
while they are singing. Even less is known about fin whales in Hawaiian
waters because they have rarely been sighted during surveys and passive
acoustic monitoring has been limited to sparse hydrophone systems that do
not have localization capabilities. We hypothesized that fin whale
kinematics may be related to their singing behavior, or external variables
such as time and sea state. To investigate this hypothesis, we analyzed 115
tracks containing 50,034 unique notes generated from passive acoustic
recordings on an array of 14 hydrophones from 2011 to 2017 at the U.S. Navy
Pacific Missile Range Facility off Kauai, Hawaii. Fin whales swam at an
average speed of 1.1 m/s over relatively direct paths. We incorporated the
whales' speed and turning angle into hidden Markov models to identify
different behavioral states based on the whales' movements. We found that
fin whale kinematic behavioral state was related to the vocalization rate
(also known as cue rate) and time of day. When cue rate was higher, fin
whales were more likely to swim slower and turn more than when cue rate was
lower. During the night, fin whales were also more likely to swim slower
and turn more than during the day. In addition, we examined whether the
presence of singing fin whales was related to time and sea state using
generalized additive models. Fin whale track presence was affected by day
of the year and song season, and possibly also wind speed and wave height.
Although the track kinematics from the fin whale tracks presented here are
limited to a subset of whales that are acoustically active, they provide
some of the only detailed movements of fin whales in the region and can be
compared against fin whale swim speeds in other regions. Understanding how
fin whale swimming behavior varies based on their vocalization patterns,
time, and environmental factors will help us to contextualize potential
changes in whale behavior during Navy training and testing on the range.

Please email me ( if you have any questions
about this work.

All my best,


Regina A. Guazzo, PhD
Whale Acoustic Reconnaissance Project (WARP)
Environmental Readiness Branch
Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific
(c) 908.507.1421
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