My co-authors and I are pleased to announce the publication of a new
manuscript in PLoS ONE:
Melica V, Atkinson S, Calambokidis J, Lang A, Scordino J, Mueter F (2021)
Application of endocrine biomarkers to update information on reproductive
physiology in gray whale (*Eschrichtius robustus*). PLoS ONE 16(8):

Most of our knowledge on reproductive biology of gray whales dates back to
scientific research conducted during commercial whaling in the late 1950s
and 1960s. The goal of the present study was to provide updated insights on
reproductive physiology of gray whales, using progesterone and testosterone
as biomarkers. We measured hormone concentrations using enzyme immunoassay
(EIA) techniques in blubber biopsies collected from 106 individual whales
from March to November over a span of 12 years (2004–2016) between
California and Alaska. We found testosterone concentrations in males to
increase significantly with age (*P* = 0.03). Adult males showed
significantly elevated testosterone concentrations when sampled in the fall
compared to the summer (*P* = 0.01), likely indicating physiological
preparation for mating. We measured testosterone concentrations in females
of different age classes, but no statistical differences were found. We
found significantly higher progesterone concentrations in pregnant females
compared to non-pregnant females and adult males (*P*< 0.001), indicating
progesterone is a valid biomarker for pregnancy in gray whales. Both female
and male calves had elevated progesterone concentrations, suggesting
maternal transfer via lactation. We fit a mixture of two normal
distributions to progesterone data from all non-calf females to identify
clusters of high and low progesterone and estimated the probability of
being pregnant for whales of unknown reproductive status. With this
approach we identified likely pregnant and non-pregnant animals. This study
represents an important milestone on reproductive profiles in this
population, that can be used to estimate more accurate and precise
reproductive parameters to be used for better understanding population
dynamics of gray whales.

This publication is open-access and can be found at this link:
For any questions, please contact me at

Valentina Melica, PhD
Italy-US Fulbright Alumna

*Caminante, son tus huellas*
*el camino, y nada más;*
*caminante, no hay camino:*
*se hace camino al andar.*

Antonio Machado
MARMAM mailing list

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