Dear administrator, The Arctic Frontiers Conference in January 2013 is central to the subscribers of your email list and as in previous years, we kindly ask you to distribute the Call for Papers below to your members.
If possible, we would be happy to receive a notification when you announce the CFP. Best regards, Matias Langgaard Madsen Arctic Frontiers Secretariat ------------------------- Second Call for Papers: Arctic Frontiers 2013 - Geopolitics and Marine Production in a Changing Arctic Arctic Frontiers ( holds its 7th annual conference in Tromsø, Norway, from 20-25 January 2013, with the title "Geopolitics and Marine Production in a Changing Arctic". Arctic Frontiers 2013 will discuss the current status, challenges and future perspectives of Arctic geopolitics, security and marine productivity. The Arctic Frontiers conference is a central arena for discussions of Arctic issues. The conference brings together representatives from science, politics, and civil society to share perspectives on how upcoming challenges in the Arctic may be addressed to ensure sustainable development. Arctic Frontiers is composed of a policy section and a scientific section. This call for papers addresses only the scientific section from January 23rd to January 25th 2013. Three parallel parts will be discussed: Ø Geopolitics in a Changing Arctic Ø Marine harvesting in the Arctic Ø Arctic Marine Productivity Interested scientists are invited to submit abstracts to one of these three sessions for both oral and poster presentations. Deadline for submission of abstracts: October 24th 2012 For more information on keynote presenters and online registration, download the complete Call for Papers on the AFT homepage<> With kind regards, Matias Langgaard Madsen Arctic Frontiers Secretariat [] Matias Langgaard Madsen Adviser / Rådgiver Akvaplan-niva AS, Framsenteret / Fram Centre, 9296 Tromsø, Norway<> Tel. (direct): (+47) 77 75 03 43, Mobile: (+47) 41 19 05 67 Tel. (switchboard): (+47) 77 75 03 00, Fax (+47) 77 75 03 01 Email and Lync address:
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