Dear colleagues, 

The following paper has just been published online in PlosONE:
Li S, Nachtigall PE, Breese M, Supin AY (2012) Hearing Sensation Levels of 
Emitted Biosonar Clicks in an Echolocating Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin. PLoS 
ONE 7(1): e29793. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029793
Emitted biosonar clicks and auditory evoked potential (AEP) responses triggered 
by the clicks were synchronously recorded during echolocation in an Atlantic 
bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) trained to wear suction-cup EEG 
electrodes and to detect targets by echolocation. Three targets with target 
strengths of −34, −28, and −22 dB were used at distances of 2 to 6.5 m for each 
target. The AEP responses were sorted according to the corresponding emitted 
click source levels in 5-dB bins and averaged within each bin to extract 
biosonar click-related AEPs from noise. The AEP amplitudes were measured 
peak-to-peak and plotted as a function of click source levels for each target 
type, distance, and target-present or target-absent condition. Hearing 
sensation levels of the biosonar clicks were evaluated by comparing the 
functions of the biosonar click-related AEP amplitude-versus-click source level 
to a function of external (in free field) click-related AEP 
amplitude-versus-click sound pressure level. The results indicated that the 
dolphin's hearing sensation levels to her own biosonar clicks were equal to 
that of external clicks with sound pressure levels 16 to 36 dB lower than the 
biosonar click source levels, varying with target type, distance, and 
condition. These data may be assumed to indicate that the bottlenose dolphin 
possesses effective protection mechanisms to isolate the self-produced intense 
biosonar beam from the animal's ears during echolocation.

The paper is free access at:

All the best 
Songhai Li Ph.D.

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