Dear list,

The latest paper on the influence of foraging behaviour on population structure 
of Australian sea lions is now available in Animal Behaviour:

Lowther, A.D., Harcourt, R.G., Goldsworthy, S.D., Stow, A. (2012). Population 
structure of adult female Australian sea lions is driven by fine-scale foraging 
site fidelity. Animal Behaviour doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2011.12.015

ABSTRACT:  The Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) is one of the rarest 
otariids in the world and is notable for an asynchronous, aseasonal breeding 
chronology.  Determining the ecological features that shape the genetic 
structure of marine predators such as Australian sea lions is challenging 
because their demersal foraging habitat is difficult to observe and quantify.  
Recent development in stable isotope screening techniques using milk-dependent 
pups as proxies for maternal isotope signatures identified temporally stable, 
alternate (inshore and offshore) foraging ecotypes in adult female Australian 
sea lions.  We combine this technique with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis 
of samples of 40-60% of all pups produced at seventeen of the largest South 
Australian colonies to determine if ecological specialisation in foraging 
ecotype within and between colonies has shaped maternal population structure 
within the species.  Genetic isolation by distance was apparent at very fine 
geographic scales (>40km) with three distinct clusters of colonies that share 
multiple haplotypes being interspersed with isolated breeding sites.  There was 
no congruence between mtDNA haplotype distribution and foraging ecotypes 
suggesting that observed behavioural specialisation was not maintained along 
matrilines.  We propose that foraging specialisation within discrete fine-scale 
foraging areas and habitats at the individual level limits the dispersive 
capacity of individual adult female Australian sea lions which in turn drives 
population structure. Given the vulnerability of this species to extant 
anthropogenic impacts and given the high degree of female population structure, 
determining the extent of male-mediated gene-flow in this species is critical.  
Only then can breeding colony connectivity be established and appropriate 
management units identified for the species.

Andrew Lowther
Senior Research Officer (Pinniped Ecology)
Threatened, Endangered & Protected Species (TEPS)
South Australian Research & Development Institute (SARDI) - Aquatic Sciences
2 Hamra Avenue
West Beach
SA 5024

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