In this email, I will continue discussion on 10.0, as I think my
questions for 5.5 have been resolved.

Reading the email, I think this is what is happening. You depend on
commit_ordered to order the transactions in the engine, and when the
binary log is going to rotate, you call commit_checkpoint_request on
the last transaction in that order. When that returns, we know all
transactions in the binlog have been committed to disk and the binary
log may be rotated.

Is this accurate?

If so, then perhaps the ordering is adding an unnecessary constraint.
How would the following work:
 - when the binary log is to be rotated, wait for all transactions
that are in the process of committing to commit.
 - call each handlerton to ensure all committed transactions are
durable. For TokuDB, this would mean fsyncing our recovery log. In
MySQL 5.6, we intend to use the flush logs command to do this.
 - after the last two steps have completed, the binary log may be rotated.
This allows storage engines to get the benefit of not having to fsync
on every commit while also not having to implement commit ordering.

How does this compare to existing design ideas?


On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 7:37 AM, Zardosht Kasheff <> wrote:
> Kristian, thank you for the detailed reply. My MariaDB 5.5 questions
> have been answered. So in this email, I will move on and explain a bit
> what commit does in TokuDB during commit. In another email, I will
> continue discussion on 10.0.
> Here is a very high level overview.
> In TokuDB, all work to modify a table is done by sending messages into
> a tree, and those messages trickle down in buffers. A nice explanation
> is in 
> the key part beginning with the slide "Now, What's a B-Tree? & a
> Fractal Tree Index".
> Additionally, checkpoints occur in two phases. The first phase is
> short, and locks out many client operations, sweeps through memory
> marking all the data as needing a checkpoint. This defines the state
> of the checkpoint. So no new work may be done on any data in memory
> until we can ensure that it's checkpointed state will be saved to
> disk. The second phase is long and does the work to write dirty data
> to disk.
> On commit we do the following:
>  - grab a read lock to prevent the short phase of checkpoint from
> starting, called "begin checkpoint".
>  - log that the transaction has committed in our recovery log.
>  - for every write done provisionally under this transaction, send a
> message into the dictionary that states the transaction has committed.
> This is a simplification and we have some optimizations, but
> algorithmically, this is accurate. This is done so when the message
> makes it to the appropriate entry in a leaf node, the system knows the
> value that was once provisionally inserted with this transaction is
> now committed. We do a similar thing with aborts to let the system
> know that the value should be rolled back.
>  - remove the transaction from our list of live transactions
>  - unlock whatever is necessary
>  - release the read lock that prevents begin checkpoint
>  - fsync the log
> So I have been thinking what it would take to possibly implement a
> commit_ordered, and while it is likely possible (because I believe
> anything is possible given the motivation), I don't see an elegant
> way. In the above steps, everything that happens in between the grab
> and release of the begin checkpoint read lock has to be there. We
> cannot release the begin checkpoint read lock in between, or we may
> have bugs during recovery. We cannot do all of this work in in
> commit_ordered, because the stage that sends messages for every write
> may be expensive, thereby hurting concurrency. So, for such a thing to
> work, we would have to find a way to grab the read lock in
> commit_ordered once for each transaction (and because the lock is
> fair, we can't just regrab the lock on the same thread), write to the
> recovery log, then perform everything else under commit, then release
> the read lock. It can probably be done, but it is messy. If
> unnecessary, I prefer to not do it.
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 5:42 AM, Kristian Nielsen
> <> wrote:
>> Zardosht Kasheff <> writes:
>>> I am investigating what our storage engine, TokuDB, needs to do to
>>> achieve its best performance in MariaDB 5.5 with respect to preparing
>>> and committing transactions, and with respect to binary logging.
>> Great!
>>>  - In MariaDB 5.5, we must fsync our recovery log on
>>> handlerton->prepare and handlerton->commit
>> Yes. Without this, binlog and engine may become out-of-sync with each other
>> after a crash.
>>>  - If we want to ensure that the order we commit transactions is the
>>> same order that they appear committed in the binary log, then we
>>> should perform our commit in two phases, commit_ordered and commit,
>>> where commit_ordered is serialized under a global mutex that ensures
>>> the correct order
>> Yes, I think you have the right picture. A detail is that serialisation is
>> achieved by running commit_ordered() for many transactions in a simple loop 
>> in
>> one thread. The end result is much the same, but the single-thread approach
>> performs significantly better (I remember blogging about this at some point).
>>> Here is my big question: given TokuDB is not designed to work with
>>> InnoDB's hot backup solution, is there ANY reason why we should care
>>> about the commit order of our transactions? Are there any performance
>>> reasons related to group commit?
>> Well, I think the answer you are looking for is "no". I took a lot of care
>> when designing this stuff to preserve backwards compatibility in the API, and
>> to make the commit_ordered extensions optional. Things should work fine (and
>> if not let us know and we will fix it).
>> One reason to implement it is this:
>> For example, MariaDB 5.5 has completely non-blocking mysqldump --master-data
>> backup, but only if the storage engine implements commit_ordered(), similar 
>> to
>> InnoDB hot backup. But yes, storage engine may not care about this, that is
>> fine.
>> On the other hand, if there is any reason for TokuDB _not_ to implement
>> commit_ordered, I would like to know, then maybe I could fix it. After 
>> working
>> and thinking a lot about these issues, I have realised that there are a lot 
>> of
>> fundamental benefits to having synchronised commit order between binlog and
>> engines. I think you are right that in 5.5, implementing commit_ordered gives
>> only small performance improvement, if any. But in future versions there 
>> might
>> be significant performance gains from implementing commit_ordered, as well as
>> usability gains.
>> Maybe you could give me a short overview of how commit works in TokuDB? I
>> imagine most transactional engines have some sort of serialisation around
>> commit to reserve a slot in the transaction log or whatever (or does TokuDB
>> have multiple independent redo logs?). If such serialisation is done in the
>> commit_ordered() call, then it can run in the same thread for multiple
>> transactions, which reduces the need for context switches.
>> So the intension was that it should be trivial for a transactional engine to
>> support commit_ordered(). I modified both PBXT and InnoDB for this, and it 
>> was
>> just a few lines of code to split out the relevant parts of the existing
>> commit() method. So if TokuDB is harder, I would like to know.
>> Of course, there is not much I can do about MySQL 5.6 deciding to implement a
>> very similar algorithm with a completely incompatible API, causing much grief
>> for 3rd party storage engines :-(
>>>>From everything I read, I think the answer is no, but I would
>>> appreciate confirmation. I think there are no performance gains to be
>>> made by implementing commit_ordered, and given we fsync on commit,
>>> there should be no issues with syncing our engine up with the binary
>>> log after a crash.
>> Yes, unless you can gain a bit of performance at high concurrency by
>> piggybagging your own serialisation needs on the commit_ordered() thread,
>> thereby avoiding some context switches. Which is by no means certain.
>>> Also, I assume the fsync after commit is necessary. Only in 10.0 will
>> Yes, at least theoretically. It is only necessary to fsync the very last
>> commit in the binlog before binlog rotation. However, with no way to know 
>> when
>> such rotation is about to occur, you are left with no option but to fsync
>> always :-(
>>> some new functionality be available that allows us to not fsync on
>>> commit.
>> Yes, so this is a huge performance gain of course. And to use this in 10.0,
>> you will need to implement commit_ordered(). Let me explain why, maybe this
>> will be useful to you.
>> So if we crash, we have to do binlog recovery at next startup to be sure that
>> we have the exact same set of committed transactions in binlog and in
>> engines. To do this we scan the binlog, commit any prepared transactions in
>> engines that are in the binlog, and roll back the rest.
>> Now the issue is - how far back in the binlog should we look? We cannot keep
>> binlogs around forever and scan them all at every crash, after all.
>> So we need some way to know from a storage engine when a commit has been
>> fsync()ed to disk and become durable. At this point, we know we no longer 
>> need
>> to scan for that particular commit in the binlog.
>> The method used in 5.5 and below is horribly crude: when commit() returns, we
>> know that this particular commit has become durable.
>> In MariaDB 10.0, this is refined. When we rotate the binlog, we ask the
>> storage engine to notify us when all commits in the old binlog file have
>> become durable. When they have, we no longer need to scan the old binlog file
>> at next crash recovery.
>> By assuming consistent commit order, this is easy. We just call
>> commit_checkpoint_request(), storage engine waits until the latest commit has
>> become durable, then replies with commit_checkpoint_notify_ha(). I did not
>> want to add the overhead of such notification for _every_ commit, only for 
>> the
>> occasional binlog rotation. Since commits are ordered, we need only ask for
>> the last commit in the binlog, then we know all the prior commits are durable
>> as well.
>> So if you want to benefit from no fsync in commit() method in MariaDB 10.0,
>> then you need to implement commit_ordered(). And then you might as well do it
>> for 5.5 also, the commit_ordered() API is the same.
>> If this is a problem for you, let me know. Now that I think about it, I
>> believe we can perhaps relax the requirement of binlog_checkpoint_request() 
>> to
>> be that all currently prepared transactions have become durably committed,
>> then there is no need to implement commit_ordered.
>> But the point is, when implementing new performance improvements, we will
>> generally assume that commit_ordered is implemented, and not spend effort on
>> older engines with no commit_ordered() (except to ensure they still work).
>>> Is my understanding correct?
>> Basically yes. Which makes me happy, as that means my existing communications
>> on this subject have at least been somewhat adequate :-)
>> Hopefully my additional details were useful to you as well.
>>> Thanks
>>> -Zardosht
>> BTW, thanks for taking up these discussions, I really appreciate your 
>> thoughts
>> and feedback.
>>  - Kristian.
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 5:42 AM, Kristian Nielsen
> <> wrote:
>> Zardosht Kasheff <> writes:
>>> I am investigating what our storage engine, TokuDB, needs to do to
>>> achieve its best performance in MariaDB 5.5 with respect to preparing
>>> and committing transactions, and with respect to binary logging.
>> Great!
>>>  - In MariaDB 5.5, we must fsync our recovery log on
>>> handlerton->prepare and handlerton->commit
>> Yes. Without this, binlog and engine may become out-of-sync with each other
>> after a crash.
>>>  - If we want to ensure that the order we commit transactions is the
>>> same order that they appear committed in the binary log, then we
>>> should perform our commit in two phases, commit_ordered and commit,
>>> where commit_ordered is serialized under a global mutex that ensures
>>> the correct order
>> Yes, I think you have the right picture. A detail is that serialisation is
>> achieved by running commit_ordered() for many transactions in a simple loop 
>> in
>> one thread. The end result is much the same, but the single-thread approach
>> performs significantly better (I remember blogging about this at some point).
>>> Here is my big question: given TokuDB is not designed to work with
>>> InnoDB's hot backup solution, is there ANY reason why we should care
>>> about the commit order of our transactions? Are there any performance
>>> reasons related to group commit?
>> Well, I think the answer you are looking for is "no". I took a lot of care
>> when designing this stuff to preserve backwards compatibility in the API, and
>> to make the commit_ordered extensions optional. Things should work fine (and
>> if not let us know and we will fix it).
>> One reason to implement it is this:
>> For example, MariaDB 5.5 has completely non-blocking mysqldump --master-data
>> backup, but only if the storage engine implements commit_ordered(), similar 
>> to
>> InnoDB hot backup. But yes, storage engine may not care about this, that is
>> fine.
>> On the other hand, if there is any reason for TokuDB _not_ to implement
>> commit_ordered, I would like to know, then maybe I could fix it. After 
>> working
>> and thinking a lot about these issues, I have realised that there are a lot 
>> of
>> fundamental benefits to having synchronised commit order between binlog and
>> engines. I think you are right that in 5.5, implementing commit_ordered gives
>> only small performance improvement, if any. But in future versions there 
>> might
>> be significant performance gains from implementing commit_ordered, as well as
>> usability gains.
>> Maybe you could give me a short overview of how commit works in TokuDB? I
>> imagine most transactional engines have some sort of serialisation around
>> commit to reserve a slot in the transaction log or whatever (or does TokuDB
>> have multiple independent redo logs?). If such serialisation is done in the
>> commit_ordered() call, then it can run in the same thread for multiple
>> transactions, which reduces the need for context switches.
>> So the intension was that it should be trivial for a transactional engine to
>> support commit_ordered(). I modified both PBXT and InnoDB for this, and it 
>> was
>> just a few lines of code to split out the relevant parts of the existing
>> commit() method. So if TokuDB is harder, I would like to know.
>> Of course, there is not much I can do about MySQL 5.6 deciding to implement a
>> very similar algorithm with a completely incompatible API, causing much grief
>> for 3rd party storage engines :-(
>>>>From everything I read, I think the answer is no, but I would
>>> appreciate confirmation. I think there are no performance gains to be
>>> made by implementing commit_ordered, and given we fsync on commit,
>>> there should be no issues with syncing our engine up with the binary
>>> log after a crash.
>> Yes, unless you can gain a bit of performance at high concurrency by
>> piggybagging your own serialisation needs on the commit_ordered() thread,
>> thereby avoiding some context switches. Which is by no means certain.
>>> Also, I assume the fsync after commit is necessary. Only in 10.0 will
>> Yes, at least theoretically. It is only necessary to fsync the very last
>> commit in the binlog before binlog rotation. However, with no way to know 
>> when
>> such rotation is about to occur, you are left with no option but to fsync
>> always :-(
>>> some new functionality be available that allows us to not fsync on
>>> commit.
>> Yes, so this is a huge performance gain of course. And to use this in 10.0,
>> you will need to implement commit_ordered(). Let me explain why, maybe this
>> will be useful to you.
>> So if we crash, we have to do binlog recovery at next startup to be sure that
>> we have the exact same set of committed transactions in binlog and in
>> engines. To do this we scan the binlog, commit any prepared transactions in
>> engines that are in the binlog, and roll back the rest.
>> Now the issue is - how far back in the binlog should we look? We cannot keep
>> binlogs around forever and scan them all at every crash, after all.
>> So we need some way to know from a storage engine when a commit has been
>> fsync()ed to disk and become durable. At this point, we know we no longer 
>> need
>> to scan for that particular commit in the binlog.
>> The method used in 5.5 and below is horribly crude: when commit() returns, we
>> know that this particular commit has become durable.
>> In MariaDB 10.0, this is refined. When we rotate the binlog, we ask the
>> storage engine to notify us when all commits in the old binlog file have
>> become durable. When they have, we no longer need to scan the old binlog file
>> at next crash recovery.
>> By assuming consistent commit order, this is easy. We just call
>> commit_checkpoint_request(), storage engine waits until the latest commit has
>> become durable, then replies with commit_checkpoint_notify_ha(). I did not
>> want to add the overhead of such notification for _every_ commit, only for 
>> the
>> occasional binlog rotation. Since commits are ordered, we need only ask for
>> the last commit in the binlog, then we know all the prior commits are durable
>> as well.
>> So if you want to benefit from no fsync in commit() method in MariaDB 10.0,
>> then you need to implement commit_ordered(). And then you might as well do it
>> for 5.5 also, the commit_ordered() API is the same.
>> If this is a problem for you, let me know. Now that I think about it, I
>> believe we can perhaps relax the requirement of binlog_checkpoint_request() 
>> to
>> be that all currently prepared transactions have become durably committed,
>> then there is no need to implement commit_ordered.
>> But the point is, when implementing new performance improvements, we will
>> generally assume that commit_ordered is implemented, and not spend effort on
>> older engines with no commit_ordered() (except to ensure they still work).
>>> Is my understanding correct?
>> Basically yes. Which makes me happy, as that means my existing communications
>> on this subject have at least been somewhat adequate :-)
>> Hopefully my additional details were useful to you as well.
>>> Thanks
>>> -Zardosht
>> BTW, thanks for taking up these discussions, I really appreciate your 
>> thoughts
>> and feedback.
>>  - Kristian.

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