In fact, if all you want is an automated build, you don't even need
the IDE. Just download the PSDK and use MSBuild to build the
CMake-generated solution.

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Alex Budovski <> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 1:54 AM, Timour Katchaounov <> 
> wrote:
>> Kristian, all,
>> Not being a build/packaging expert, there are two issues here:
>> - Making it possible for any developer to build (and develop)
>>  MariaDB on Windows with Visual C++. This is perfectly possible
>>  with either edition of Visual C++.
>> - Creating a binary distribution for direct installation. This is
>>  the issue we are discussing.
>> I spent half an hour searching MS web site for a comparison of
>> the versions, and Bo seems right - no differences are claimed
>> with respect to the optimizing compiler.
> I concur. The compiler is the same one as in standard and professional
> editions. In fact, the latest compilers themselves come free with the
> platform SDK. Visual Studio can be configured to make use of them.
> Last I checked (v6.1 SDK) these compilers are the enterprise versions,
> containing static code analysis, if you like bells-and-whistles.
> But the compilers than come with the IDE suffice, and I repeat, are
> the same as what's in Standard/Professional. See "cl /?".
>> The major two differences I found in the VC++ 2008 that affect
>> us are:
>> A) The Express Edition cannot build 64-bit binaries.
> This can be made to work. If you download the platform SDK, you can
> install the X64 compilers, and configure Visual Studio to use them.
> If we need to automate the build, then we can the the SetEnv.cmd
> script to set the environment for us (E.g. setenv /x64 /Release) and
> use MSBuild (or vcbuild) as before, provided that CMake generates
> appropriate x64 configurations for us (which it should with cmake -g
> "Visual Studio 9 2008 Win64").
>> B) The Express Edition has much fewer tools to create binary
>>   packages.
> Which tools are you missing? Most if not all are part of the platform SDK.
> - Alex

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