It appears that postfix--- via mailop <> said:
>> Andrew, either I’m not understanding or you’ve not thought this through…
>> If a customer wants a copy of all of their email to be in Gmail, does it 
>> really matter if Gmail has the password to the user’s account?
>does the user use the same credentials to pull messages (POP or IMAP) 
>and to log in to SMTP to send messages?

Usually yes, and Gmail knows how to use both so if you create a message
in Gmail's webmail and tell it to use the ISP return address, it submits
the message through the ISP's mail server.  I consider that a feature.

As others have noted, if you're going to put all your account's mail
into your Gmail account anyway, there's not much reason to hide the password.
What are they going to do with it that you haven't already asked them to do?

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