Afternoon/Evening/Morning (wherever you are)

Just a short message from me to wish you all a great break, assuming you get 
one over the midwinter/midsummer/Christmas/any other festivals you observe.

We now have over 2700 subscribers, spread pretty well all across the world, 
from sole operator interested bystanders all the way up the representatives of 
the now 1000lb+ gorillas. Senders, receivers, ESPs, ISPs, academics, standards 
authors, lurkers, regular posters, authority challengers and those who *are* 
the authorities being challenged! Thanks to all of those who post, especially 
those who take on potentially awkward questions either on the list or 
privately. It all makes the list what it is.

I hope you keep on posting the quality content we so enjoy (said without 
_excessive_ snark), asking and finding the answers to the questions that vex 

Merry Xmas!

(Cycle 4 now, 2 to go)
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