Mark for sure I know dnssecviz :-) But sometimes this tends to burry the real problem in a load of errors and warnings. In this particular case the error that " No response was received from the server over UDP" via IPv6 is a problem but has nothing to do with DNSSec issue (it's ugly but not dnssec related) To see the relevant errors for this case one has to enable "denial of existence" DNSSec option and then almost drown in errors :-) I use dnssecviz to find the cause of error but then I prefer a simple dig which shows the problem on max two lines :-)
Cheers tobi On Fri, 2024-12-13 at 15:10 +0000, L. Mark Stone via mailop wrote: > I have found to be helpful as a > resource to give companies actionable information regarding their > DNSSEC remediation needs. > > Regards, > Mark > _______________________________________________ mailop mailing list