Dnia  6.11.2024 o godz. 21:15:18 Gellner, Oliver via mailop pisze:
> One guess that has already been made in the past: Maybe Gmail recently
> received spam messages from other sources that use the same organizational
> domain, which lowered the reputation to a point when further messages are
> rejected.  At least best.eu.org and nacs.eu.org seem to be active as well. 
> Some time after the spam stops the messages are accepted again.

That means Google is doing the same mistake again.

eu.org is on the PSL, so it's not an "organizational domain" and shouldn't
be treated as such. It's more like a TLD, with different completely
independent entities owning subdomains under eu.org. So they shouldn't be
mixed with each other. If Google fails to recognize this, then they are
definitely wrong.

Should example.com be treated as suspicious because example1.com is
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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