Hello, happy to help if I can. -- Alex Brotman Sr. Engineer, Anti-Abuse & Messaging Policy Comcast
From: mailop <mailop-boun...@mailop.org> On Behalf Of Ferris, Rhys (SCC) via mailop Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 1:16 PM To: mailop@mailop.org Subject: [EXTERNAL] [mailop] Looking for Assistance from Comcast Hello List, I have an office that has a constituent that is repeatedly replying to emails asking to be unsubscribed. Problem is our logs indicate we never sent the email they are clearly replying to. I suspect somewhere an old redirect rule is in place and I’ve asked the constituent to send the email as an attachment so I could view the headers, but no response. We’d obviously like to make sure we aren’t sending unwanted mail, but without more information we are a bit at a loss. Constituent email is comcast.net, would be willing to work with Comcast to identify where the mail is coming from, please reach out off list. Any others, if you have ideas, my ears are open. Rhys (R-ee-s) Ferris Internet Mail Team | SMAS Support Team US Senate, Enterprise Support rhys_fer...@scc.senate.gov<mailto:rhys_fer...@scc.senate.gov> ☎️202-228-4758
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