On 17/09/2024 14:50, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2024/09/17 13:57, Sebastian Arcus via mailop wrote:
On 17/09/2024 12:36, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
From the symptoms you describe, I would say this matches somebody running
a joejob (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_job) campaign and most likely
bought a bottom of the barrel spamto: list with a generous helping of
outdated or never-existed-in-the-first-place addresses.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. The two destination email addresses
- one @virginmedia.com and the other @ntlworld.com are people the sender is
usually corresponding with. The sender and recipients have been talking to
each other on the phone and trying to figure out why they can't email each
other any more - and then they contacted me.
Check that they are indeed still valid accounts. VM have relatively
recently been deleting email accounts that are no longer associated
with active billing - many of those email accounts have been active
for years without being associated with billing.
Thank you for the suggestion - a valid thought indeed. I have just tried
to send a test email from my own address - which has gone through. So
far it all points to Virgin Media replying "550 - mailbox unavailable"
when they actually are doing spam filtering
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