Dňa 17. júla 2024 13:37:23 UTC používateľ Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:
>That's why it's good to develop a habit to use "reply to list" (Shift+L in
>good old mutt ;)) and not "reply to all".

My android's client(K-9) doesn't support "Reply to list" (my desktop client
does it), thus i need to use "Reply to all" and then click-click to remove
all other addresses. Anoying? Yes... But i do it for any reply (to any ML)
as i consider direct reply to sender as bad, as sender didn't send message
to me, thus i have not to use their email.

In other words, we have not to develop "reply to list" habit, but teach
people that my email adress is in mail to identify me in ML, not to
any can use it. Direct mail (if not requested) is form of unsolicited mail.

Of course, here are exceptions, but they are mostly obvious and in
these cases, the reply is send only to sender...


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