Dnia 18.06.2024 o godz. 20:27:49 Scott Mutter via mailop pisze:
> I work in the shared web hosting industry, which may be foreign to a lot of
> people on this list.
> With shared hosting, 1 physical server and 1 IP address hosts 100s of other
> websites and email accounts.  And some of those accounts are resold
> accounts that don't need to be aware of the amscomputer.com brand.  That's
> why we use the generic wznoc.com domain.
> I also would very much like to understand how what a domain's website shows
> has any bearing at all towards the reputation of a mail sending IP.  I'll
> pose the question to Mailops... do you build your reputation list by
> visiting the website of the hostname of the reverse DNS of a mailing
> sending IP and gauge its well-being on the look and feel of that website?

While I agree that a website should have nothing to do with mail domain
reputation and website-related issues are (or at least should be) off-topic
when it comes to mail deliverability, your website actually looks... strange
for a shared hosting company. All shared hosters that I know (and I know
quite a few) have websites that clearly indicate what services they provide,
usually there is also some pricing information and forms that allow to sign
up to their service.
Even if they don't provide service publicly, but for a closed group of
customers, their website states that. Your website does not provide any
information at all, so for many people it may indeed look suspicious.

As an example, just recently I found in my mail logs several connection
attempts (connect and immediately disconnect) from reverse hostnames
containing the domain coop.net. So I checked the website http://coop.net/
which clearly says that they were once an ISP, who they provided service for
and that they are no more active in the business. You could put some
similar information on your website, it won't be looking so suspicious then.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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