* Jeff P. via mailop:

> Can cloudflare (or others) deliver messages correctly to this IPv6 MX?

The longish answer is a resounding "maybe". An IPv6-only MX can be
reached only by those third-party servers which support outbound IPv6
connections on their end. Even in 2024, that is by no means every
server, not even for large organisations who could be expected to
support IPv6. I have done contract work for nominally big players in the
email scene who don't support IPv6 at all on their end, neither for
inbound nor outbound network traffic.

Short version: An IPv6-only MX may work for certain limited usecases,
but will most likely not work in all scenarios. It comes down to
external factors you cannot control.

Personally, I would not attempt to run a production MX without having
public-facing addresses for both IPv4 and IPv6.

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