On Mon, Jun 03, 2024 at 09:41:45PM +0930, Joseph B via mailop wrote:

> > I am also unable to ping the sending machine from "mx1.imrryr.org", 
> > while it is pingable from Munich and LA:
> Ripe ATLAS probes on Aussie Broadband are also unable to ping the host you 
> mentioned, while other AU ISPs are just fine.
> https://atlas.ripe.net/measurementdetail/72982362/results

Thanks for the probe data.

> I'd also raise it with Aussie Broadband and see if they are able to
> contact the Imperva or Proofpoint NOCs to confirm what they see from
> their view point. I wasn't able to find a public looking glass in
> either of those networks to check.

I've opened a ticket with Aussie BB that includes the above link.
Perhaps they'll take a look, though it is possible they'll decide it is
not a priority for them...

I've added a backup MX in the UK, and the affected Proofpoint mail is
now getting routed there, and relayed hence down under.  I am not
optimistic that the connectivity problem will be addressed any time
soon. :-(

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