Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop skrev den 2024-03-17 13:38:
Dnia 16.03.2024 o godz. 13:08:52 Benny Pedersen via mailop pisze:
bingo its why its tempfailed, gmail should redesign how to handle
maillists where message-id can come to inbound on gmail, should not
count on message-id abuse counts
Well... from Google's point of view, it seems like a pretty effective
mechanism to force people to move to *their* mailing list service,
of running mailing list themselves...
A monopoly wants to be a monopoly.
sure any stupid user can forward mails that is received on maillist to
there own private gmail account, more or less its this
stop forwarding mails as maillist subscriber is better, in generic world
is lots better when no mail is forwarded
srs would not fix anything anyway
setup forwarder with sasl client in mta to delivery to freemail provider
solves it
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